Sauna Spank: At Bottom Line

Sauna Spank: Aiden

Aiden and Alex have finished swim practice just before the campus fitness centre is due to close. Instead of heading out, they decide to get some time in the sauna instead. Tripping a silent alarm, they are soon confronted by Hector. Aiden is up first for punishment.


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Sauna Spank: Aiden


Title 2257


One Response to Sauna Spank: At Bottom Line

  1. Avatar Fastifex
    Fastifex says:

    As every school-day-evening, swim team mates Alex and Aiden tirelessly toiled-off their teen tails, thriftily training on times and technique, (their team-teens taking thorny thrashings trunks-down for the tiniest flaws) after classes, under their demanding coach, who never fails to paddle the lined-up team starkers twice each time, half a dozen ‘solid warm-up’ before putting on trunks and half to double dozens ‘holed’ after showers, pounding pitilessly according to the poor pups’ ‘pitiful’ performances, sparing only constant team champion Alex, both buddies staying behind as usual for an extra half to whole hour, when AAs-student Alex informally tutors Aiden academically to achieve A-ambitions avoiding triad-canings at home, while they exchange massages, their only relaxation before heading house for homework.
    Today, they are tired even worse, having been on their feet all schoolday on an endless quick-marched city trip, visiting every religious cult site, so Aiden convinces buddy Alex to cut short their exercise and sneak into the sauna instead of massaging, which neither has the energy left for. They ignore its closing-time is earlier as part of budget cuts, and a silent alarm was installed by manager Hector, who thus catches them red-sweaty. As retired deputy headmaster, Sir misses most mercilessly meeting-out meekly-mounted-male-mounds-misery to minor mutts, so he seizes the opportunity to threaten reporting the trembling two to the police, which means an automatic school suspension and team expulsion, which their fathers would be furious enough about to make their evenings and holidays hell on their humble hides, maybe even till final graduation. As planned, they therefore begged on naked knees to be plentifully posterior-purple-paining-punished at Sir’s (dis)pleasure instead. The demi-delight of the relative relief as Hector accepts is thoroughly tainted as he tells them the terrible tariff: today’s thorny tails-torment is only their training-demo, each in turn must turn up -on even viz. odd schooldays- as the sauna closes and strip to clean-up before going over his knee for another spanking ad lib, and swim coach as well as well their class teacher will be cued to suggest when either could benefit from extra motivation, which Hector will be happy to provide after-hours ‘home style’ by fiery floggings not allowed in school context, as the sauna and himself are on the municipal recreation department budget, and he’ll make sure to get great entertainment from it and even sell ‘sauna special supporter’ tickets (financing free access for scholarship students, including Alex, during opening hours) for fellow school staff alumni to come enjoy the show, passively or at premium rate to have the wretch of the day passed over afterwards for OTK ‘lecture’ way warmer then sauna, sweatier still suffering sound spanking starkers, surely scores of smacks.