Saturday (Scally) Spankables

By request, this weeks Saturday Spankables features a selection of “Scally Lads and Chavs”, or as close as I can get from my collection! Unfortunately a lot of the pictures of Chavs and Scally lads which appear on the internet feature boys who look a bit too young to appear on this site, but I hope this slightly more mature group fits the bill!

For the benefit of US visitors the term “Scally Lad” derives from the word “Scallywag”, the British definition of which means a scamp or rascal (rather than Civil War traitors as it does in the Southern USA). The term “Chav” is used to describe a particular group of British Working class youths – click here for the Wikipedia definition.

(Thanks to Rich O’Shea of Sting who contributed some of these images)

Bonus Matt Mills Bottom!
As a special bonus here are set of pictures of that most spankable of Scallywags Matt Mills taken when he was a regular model at the much missed ClubLads.

4 Responses to Saturday (Scally) Spankables

  1. Stunning chavs we are overrun with them in the UK and Mr mills is an exact definition of what one is if anyone is unsure what they are. Thanks again.

  2. #s 14-16…INCREDIBLE!

  3. Yeh chavs think there hard well they ain’t cuz I tell em str8 mess with me ya get a black rose

  4. Him with the cap and white tracksuit is beautiful and as for matt mills he has one of the best arses I have ever seen. What I would do just to kiss and have a feel of it. Thanks to everyone at JS you guys are great love the Saturday spankables.