A link to the Willian Higgins and Czech Guys Next Door 18.USC.2257 record keeping / proof of age declaration can be found in the right hand column at this blog
The very straight Maxim Petrovic takes his turn across the Mad Brown Monk’s knee in a spanking session from Czech Guys Next Door by William HigginsSpanking Maxim Petrovic WMV
Class of 1999 Corporal Punishment scene
I am afraid the spanking only happens as part of a longer clip, but it is still quite an iconic scene
A little bit of Russian discipline
A Russian father takes exception to his two son’s choice of reading matter and decides some domestic discipline is in order in a lively video from
Spanking Twinks.
Jonathan – prison punishments
A small collection of drawings by the artist Jonathan featuring hunky young men being punished in prison (or in the case of the top one, in police custody)Below are two of Jonathan’s line drawings which were colored by BuckCub
AMG – Athletic Model Guild
The Athletic Model Guild, or AMG, was founded by gay pornography pioneer Bob Mizer in December 1945. During those post-war years, United States censorship laws allowed women, but not men, to appear in various states of undress in what were referred to, with a wink, as “art” photographs. Mizer began his business by taking pictures of men that he knew, both gay and straight. His subjects would often pose for pictures, which, while ostensibly meant to illustrate fitness tips and the like, were clearly produced and published as homoerotic material.Although much of AMG’s material was made up of beefcake posing, many iconic male on male spanking images from the 195o’s and 1960’s originate from AGM, who still sell their videos through their website AthleticModelGuild.com also a lot of their imagery is very evocative of spanking and corporal punishment.
Please do not go to AMG look for material including realistic or severe spanking, but rather to visit a different and more innocent world and view the material which entertained gay men of our father’s and grandfather’s generations.To me, the very innocence of AGM’s pictures and movies have an innate charm and eroticism which today’s far more explicit material, for all is other virtues, has lostThe first few pictures are from Military School Initiation staring Chuck Steury, Ernie Matthews as the pledge masters and Bob Jackson and Monte Hanson as the pledges. Monte Hanson, who’s looks were not unlike those of Sting’s Matt Mills, was on of the most famous of the early AGM models and Military School Initiation forms part of the compilation DVD “The Complete Monte Hanson”
Fast forward to the 1980’s and AMG spankings were in colour! Spanking had become a regular feature and AMG currently offer 41 compilation spanking DVDs full of 5 and 10 minute spanking scenes of differing quality.Chris Todd (who famously got his butt repeatedly spanked in Filmco’s Spanking Master Part 1) and Jeff Mcbride fool about as Master and slave in one of AMG’s 1980’s scenes
Along with many others, Skooter Edwards (above) appeared in a number of spanking scenes for AMG in the 1980’s six of which are on the AMG compilation disc
Spanking #30As interesting additional image the list of symbols below was how Bob Mizer kept a record of the various models virtues, flaws and proclivities
Note: Some, although not all of these images were originally posted to the much missed M_MSpanking Group.__________________
The pictures appearing here predate 18.USC.2257 requirements
Scenes from “African Academy” by Sting
African Academy was first released as a download in 2008 and has now been re-released in DVD format on the new “The Discipline Chronicles” DVD together with four other previous downloads and a bonus 1900 House of Correction scene (See my posting from yesterday for details).
Set in an unnamed West African nation in the final days of empire, African Academy stars the ever popular Barry as Zachariah who, together with friend Ezekiel discover that stepping out of line can have painful consequences.
First the boys receive a firm over the knee hand spanking as punishment for talking during that morning’s school assembly
(Especially when it involves stealing the teacher’s tobacco)ONE WEEK LATER AND THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TROUBLEon DVDSting DVDs are available from Mans Hand Films for US customersLinks to the Sting and Mans Hand 18.USC.2257 declarations are in the right hand column
Sting – The Discipline Chronicles
Sting have now transferred a further batch of earlier downloads to DVD called “The Discipline Chronicles”
The downloads now available on this DVD are:African Academy Stars Barry as African schoolboy Zachariah who with his friend Ezekiel learn the price of disobedience at a strict place of education one of the far flung corners of the old EmpireApproved Education Part 2 is a smoking hot mixture of British and Czech Sting Lads stars Brett, Barry David, Brad and Stefanal who go back to the days when discipline meant a sore bottom and get an inside view of life at Court Leamington where the sound of slipper, strap, tawes, cane and hand spanking echo round the walls(Fans of Brett should note that he is on the sore bottomed receiving end of three of the above options in this one story)
In Three For the Gym, Clifton Heath College students Wheeler, Sanderson and Bailey soon learn how to behave after facing the deputy head Mr Hewitson.The fourth feature on The Discipline Chronicles is “The Making of a Gentleman” which stars Darren as the son of an Edwardian family who is sent to the Carnfield Institute run by the venerable Colonel James Templeton Lee. He has a legendary reputation for putting the wayward sons of gentlefolk back on to the straight and narrow. The movie also features James B.In “Discipline for Joe” it is handsome young Danny’s bare behind which is in the firing line. Danny plays Joe Harrison a final year student whose mind is set on other things rather than preparing for Exams. Mr McGinn, decides to take up the problem with Joes strict Uncle. As a result Danny gets his tail tanned in three separate session and (as we see in the scene below) learns that slippers can have other functions in addition to keeping your toes warm. In other scenes Danny finds himself over the vaulting horse in the gym, and, of course over uncle’s kneeBonus scene: As with the earlier Downloads on DVD disc, The Discipline Chronicles” also includes a bonus 1900 scene “Whipped into Shape”
Sting DVDs are available from Mans Hand Films for US customersLinks to the Sting and Mans Hand 18.USC.2257 declarations are in the right hand column
PhotoShopped by Mark
And finally one for F/M fans