There is a new guy getting spanked at
Reluctant Young Men and his name is Joey. How do I describe Joey? Well, lets say that if Tommy Anders and Keine Sorgen from SpankThis or Sting’s James Radford are are at one end of the scale of what constitutes a Jock, then Joey is right at the other end (Let it never be said that JockSpank does not cater to all tastes!!)
Joey is a 26 year old straight guy, he’s unemployed and looking to make some money. He’s a real ladies man, who even has an implant in his cock to enhance a woman’s pleasure. But this day Rich stripped him of his manly pride. Part 1 starts with with Rich taking Joey over his knee for a long hard spanking using a paddle and hairbrush. In no time no longer so manly joey is filling the room with his high pitched wailing and hollering, he is relieved only that no young women were present to witness his punishment.
Video trailer
Links :
A link to the Reluctant Young Men 18.USC.2257 record keeping / proof of age declaration can be found in the right hand column of this blog