Instruments of Persuasion – the Martinet and Triad Cane Scenes

These images were previously posted to the Feel the Sting blog
Released by Sting in 2007, Instruments of Persuasion (Part 2) examines some of the more exotic and unusual implements used to punish miscreant youths. This posting shows images from scenes focusing on Instruments of Persuasion from two different corners of the earth, starting with the French Martinet.

The Martinet – David

One of the earlier scenes in IOP II features David as a naughty young “garçon” receiving a sound thrashing with the stinging Martinet, in a period story set in 19th Century France.

The Triad Cane – Vex

Back in the present day, and in a later scene on a visit to the Far East, Vex, falls foul of the local laws and is sentenced to a flogging with the triple rod sting of the cruel Triad Cane 

Leaving the bad lad with a lot of Sting to sooth ……..


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3 Responses to Instruments of Persuasion – the Martinet and Triad Cane Scenes

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    serious spanking
    of such sensational guys
    with spectacular asses

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Looking at the pictures above of the young man being whipped by his father with a french Martinet,I reminds me how I got the same treatment me and my brother up to the age of 16,we were in the 70’s and even at the age of 14 or 15 we were allways in very short pants held up by clip on suspenders +the nylon overall on top buttoned on the side or in the back to go to school.Our mum was ( like the other mum’s ) allways too in her very large ang very long nylon overalls with a thick plastic head cap on her head and her damned Martinet ready in her nylon overall pocket to whip our buttocks ,or for more serious matters on our bare asses,and beleive me after 10 to 15 hard strokes,you couldn’t sit down for a couple of days,letting alone that after the Martinet whipping she used to take out her electric hair shaver and our heads were completly shaved aswell,then it was 30mn kneeled down hands on your heads in the corner ,and if you moved or slipped a bit down mum would straighten you up back allways with her damned Martinet,then it was put back on the kitchen nail till the next use,wich was practicly everyday,and as far as I know all my other school mates ( girls and boys) it was the same thing for them too,that was the “procedure in France in those decades!!.They did come out with Martinets with “plastic tails’ for the girls,but as the mothers noticed that it had little effect the mothers soon went back to the shop ( ironmongers,toy shops…) and bought a good vintage Martinet with it’s solid thick lrather tails,the price for a good solid Martinet up to the 80’s was 10 francs ( about 1.50euros),!!And that’s the way it was,beleive me !!!