• A Selection of New Art by Franco

    Some new artwork by the incomparable Franco

    The Neighbor’s foul ball

    The Man in the Shoe (Adult version)


    Paddled at School (Color version of an image posted previously)
    Spanked in front of Dad

    Lovers of Franco’s Fen Dom images should click here to see some ladies dealing with bad boys.

  • Belting Vex

    The popular Vex receives a belting over the gym horse in a scene from Sting’s special length (I hour 3 minutes) download “Discipline Down(load) Under” 

    Scenario :Matt Masterson (Matt Mills) is up to his old tricks leaving the staff a load of detective work to bring the lads to book. His accomplices are Barry, David and (as seen here) Vex plus six other lads all up to no good and expected to experience the tough disciplinary measures that have become the custom in the British modelled Antipodean Educational establishments




    Spank Matt to Visit www.stingpictures.tv

    Discipline Down(Load) Under – Download

    There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 proof of age/record keeping statement in the right hand column of this blog

  • New From Sting – Officer Carter’s Borstal Diary … Part 2

     Continuing with the images from Sting’s latest download “Officer Carter’s Borstal Diary
    Officer Carter’s first encounter with laying on discipline is to one of his own lads, Trainee Pratt (Sebastian) He had ‘done a runner’ in Borstal terms and being absent without leave deserved a swift disciplinary response.

    To add to the humiliation and punishment Carter orders Pratt’s backside area to be shaved by the barber to prepare for an exemplary bare bottom spanking.



     This being done Pratt now is ordered over the bench to receive both the junior then senior heavy leather straps. Pratt’s recently shaved backside is literally roasted by the cruel biting leather. He will not be so keen to abscond again. 

    Another incident occurs where fellow officer Mr Labowski (Margusta) is required to deal with a badly behaved young lad called Collins (Toby)

    It’s the strap again but this time with the delinquent youth hugging the vaulting horse and taking the stinging leather lashes across his bare bottom wishing for sure now he’d behaved better.

    At the end of the day it becomes another successful entry in Officer Carters Borstal Dairy.

    Click here  and Also here for more pictures from Officer Carter’s Borstal Diary 


    There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 declatation in the right hand column of this blog

  • New From Sting – Officer Carter’s Borstal Diary … Part 1

    Officer Carter’s Borstal Diary” is the latest download by Sting.   
    In the old British Borstal System, known as juvenile correction in the US, lads had to wear khaki coloured short trousers and woollen shirts. The clothing chosen was often ex-military saving the government money and militarising the situation making it more regimental and tough for the inmates.
     Officer Carter had taken up his first post in a Borstal institution fresh from regular prison service. He soon settled in and realised that discipline administration is somewhat different for younger transgressors. Officer Copeland (Rusty) certainly knows how to deal firmly with unruly trainees and so he does with Kirby (Tom Nuttall) a cheeky young trainee from his own house. 
    Firstly, by marching him in to the changing room by his ear then laying on a traditional and firm spanking. Kirby squirms and twists as his bare backside gets redder and raw with each slap.

    However Copeland is never satisfied with just a spanking, so he chooses a whippy rattan cane from stock and orders Kirby to bend over. Reluctantly the lad obeys and receives a stinging batch of burning stripes across his already sore backside.


     Official birching has to be administered and its time for Trainee Williams (Matt Mills) to receive his. After the sentence is read out he is secured over the vaulting horse and Mr Copeland lays on the punishment.

    The whippy and sharp birch twigs lash home leaving poor Williams raised bare bottom feeling like its on fire! ……………..
    To be continued ………
    Click here for more pictures from Officer Carter’s Borstal Diary 
    There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 declatation in the right hand column of this blog

  • Coming Soon from Sting – Officer Carter’s Borstal Diary

    The next Sting download, Officer Carter’s Borstal Diary, is due to be released this weekend, I will post more pictures when it is released.  This short story, set in a penal institution for wayward young men, is a prelude to Sting’s forthcoming DVD ‘Banged Up Borstal days 2’

    Officer Carter’s Borstal Diary stars Sebastian, Tom Nuttall, Matt Mills and new Sting Star Toby, together with Rusty and Margusta keeping the unruly youths in their place (usually bottom up over someone’s knee!)

    There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 declatation in the right hand column of this blog

  • His brother the soldier

    Thanks to Helmut for this hot set of images which I believe are entitled “His Brother the Soldier” and may come from a 1990’s movie by Control T studio.  However, I can not guarantee that information is correct, so if anyone has more information please post a comment with details.

  • CP4Men – JB Spanks Rugby Captain!!

    JB  Spanks Rugby Captain!!
    As some of you know in rugby a “try” is to score points. But this rugby captain is not “trying” hard enough! The manager decided to get him into the dressing room to see if he can “try” and  get some incentive going! He start by over the knee spanking on shorts jock strap and eventually bare. Not content with this he decide to put him over the gym hore for some more hand spanking and a very special paddle made for such occasions!


    Video trailer
    JB Spanks Rugby Captain is available from 
    and also from Clips4Sale 

    There is a link to the CP4Men 18.USC.2257 declaration in the right hand column of this blog