Office Junior Spanked – Bailey & Danny

Danny is a lazy worker! His boss is away and he takes advantage by reading the newspaper and having a lunchtime drink! Danny’s boss (Bailey) comes back unexpectedly and can’t believe what he is seeing! Not only is Danny lazing around he has not completed and important project. Bailey tells Danny in no uncertain terms that the project needs to be completed that afternoon! Alone once again in the office Danny can’t be bothered with work and instead decides to have a look at some internet porn instead! Bailey comes back early and catches Danny red-handed jerking away to filth on the company computer. Enough is enough and Bailey tells Danny to bend over the desk. It’s time for Danny to be taught a lesson. Handsome Bailey removes his belt and proceeds to lash Danny’s bottom. Danny can’t believe what is happening and protests loudly. Bailey is on a mission though and does not relent! In fact Danny is ordered to remove his suit jacket and trousers and the belting continues over his white Calvin Klein briefs! Danny has no option but to cling onto the desk and take the beating. Bailey still feels that Danny needs more punishment and pulls down his underwear, revealing an already red and sore bottom. The belting continues on Danny’s bare buttocks! Danny feels it can’t get any worse! He was wrong. Bailey grabs a chair and drags Danny over his knee and spanks his bottom hard. Danny’s legs are quivering and shaking as he feels the full force of Bailey’s fury! Finally Bailey finishes, orders Danny to get dressed and get back to work!

Danny is lazing around in the office!

“Boss Bailey rips into Danny”

Jerking to porn at work!

“You have gone too far Danny”

“Bend Over That Desk”

“This will teach you to jerk off in my time”!

“Bailey has belted and spanked Danny till his bottom is red raw”

“Defeated Danny gets on with his work”!

Video trailer
…..more from Mr X… Wow! This was something I never expected to happen. I couldn’t quite believe it when Bailey agreed to have a go at dishing out the spanking! He took to the role like a true pro and you would honestly believe he had been doing this for ages! Bailey and Danny look so smart and handsome in their suits and the sight of these young straight men spanking is simply stunning!

13 Responses to Office Junior Spanked – Bailey & Danny

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    well done discipline

    • Hi there! I’m glad you enjoyed this and I really appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment!


      Mr X

  2. Is danny south african?

    • Avatar Fastifex
      Fastifex says:

      I’ve got no idea why Extist thinks so,
      but(t) judging by the handsome Cape colony Celtic/Anglo-angelic & Boor-but-brely-boorish devils I’ve seen on screen from South Africa I almost find that offensive:
      Danny isn’t aesthetically in their league’s average, being just average

    • Hi there! It’s Mr X here. I produced this clip. Extist is partly correct but I feel he got his names mixed up! Bailey (in this clip the boss) is indeed originally South African. Danny is from East London/Essex

  3. Avatar Rasputin
    Rasputin says:

    This would have been a very good video if the roles had been reversed, i.e. Bailey had been the one getting spanked. Bailey’s a handsome guy, but he would be even more handsome if he shaved off his beard.

    • Avatar Fastifex
      Fastifex says:

      Rasputin has a good point that Bailey is far too fetching to hide the hunky hottie’s hide, however becoming the clothes he’s at his best au natural, yet he does a good job as spanker too,
      so I’ld suggest a comprimise: let him spank Danny only to be told by the big boss that wasn’t nearly good enough and get grilled gruesomely well on the bare, meekly-mounted-man-mounds-meat marked mercilessly as a most memorable example how to do better making sure slacker scum stops slacking satisfactoruly-scarlet-striped-scared-stiff!

    • Avatar Anonymous
      Anonymous says:

      liked it,
      lovely lads
      Scarlet ass super

    • Hi Everyone! Thanks for your feedback. I rally do appreciate it and enjoy reading the comments. Just a couple of comments to pick up on here. First of all – Bailey’s beard! Some people don’t like it others thinks it makes him look more masculine! As the producer of these clips I take the approach of having as little involvement in the models appearance as possible. My thinking is that I am portraying ‘real’ guys and I don’t want to start stripping that away. Other than sometimes supplying underwear, the models are encouraged to bring there own clothing. I like the idea that what we see on film is how the guys would naturally look.

      Secondly, regarding Bailey for once not actually being on the receiving end of the spanking, you can all relax with the knowledge that there is plenty more of Bailey getting spanked, yet to be released and even more planned for the future!

      I feel there is only so much spanking that Mr X can dish out (poor me) before it gets dull. So mixing it up and having other people dishing it out keeps it fresh! More to the point, I feel that there is something pretty hot/special about seeing a young, handsome, straight guy like Bailey putting another good looking straight guy over his knee for a sound spanking! Considering this really was the first time for Bailey doing anything like this I thought he took to the role like a natural!

  4. Avatar Bayonet
    Bayonet says:

    I think Bailey gives an impressive performance as the top. Aihough I also like to see him on the receiving end.

    Wait til your Dad gets home, the humiliation and red card red bottom are among my favorite clips

  5. Thanks Bayonet, I’m so glad you are enjoying my clips. There is so much more to come! 🙂

  6. I wish Bailey was my boss. He gives the kind of disciple a boy needs

  7. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Bailey is THE MAN. I wish I could find a MAN LIKE BAILEY.