Never Too Old : – Waiting for Havii

 A New Release from NTO Communications, Waiting for Havii: 

Alan Powers is waiting in his office for Havii to show up. Mr. Powers describes how he has acted as a mentor and disciplinarian to young Havii – to pass the time he begins relating previous occasions where Havii had misbehaved and received discipline as a result. It is revealed that in the past, Havii has been spanked, strapped or paddled numerous times for his many and various transgressions. We hear the doorbell ring to announce Havii’s arrival as Mr. Powers picks up a wicked looking strap and states that Havii is going to “get it good.”


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3 Responses to Never Too Old : – Waiting for Havii

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    will there be a preview video?

  2. Nice video! JockSpank obviously has great taste. Oh, wait!…I made the video. Of course I like it. Thanks for sharing our stills and thanks for your kind reportage about our activities. — STRICTOP