Mystery Surprise from Straight Lads Spanked

There are no pictures or trailer for the new Mystery Surprise download from Mr X at Straight Lads Spanked.  I know the surprise and its GREAT, but I will let Mr X tell you more.

Foul Mouthed Andy – Spanked & Belted!


 From Mr X

So this is the most unusual movie I have ever produced…. I guess you need to trust me on that for the moment as I am not going to give away too much information about this one. There will be no screenshots, no plot outline and certainly no video preview!

Why????????????I hear you all scream!!

Well it really is as simple as this. This move is so extraordinarily different, it truly deserves to be watched with no idea of what is coming next. That is the only way that anyone will truly get the full experience of this movie.

So, to all of my loyal customers and fans of Straight Lads Spanked I am simply going to say this.

Trust Me!

I don’t think you will be disappointed and once you see the outrageous lengths I went to, in order to make this movie I think that not only will you understand the reason for the secrecy but that you will also agree that it was well worth it!

Of course, you can’t keep secrets for ever! I appreciate that. There is so much about this movie I want to tell you, so many out takes, bloopers extra videos that I want to share with you and I will!

So here is the plan!

Today is Thursday… I am gong to keep a blanket on this until Sunday and then on Sunday all will be revealed! So for those of you that don’t like secrets and would prefer to know the story before purchasing the movie, just wait until Sunday and there will be a mass of information on here!

For those of you that take a leap of faith and buy the movie before then, let me ask you one thing…

Please don’t reveal the details until I reveal it myself on Sunday! Please don’t post if on other blogs/forums or even email your friends. Let’s all work together to keep this under wraps simply so that others can enjoy it in the same way that you did (or hopefully did)… However, by all means post your thoughts on the movie, whether you enjoyed it or not, your reaction to it. just don’t give away the details!

Ok so here goes!

I am only going to give away the following and trust me there are some important details I am missing out…



Hand Spanking



Ear Tugging



Title 2257

2 Responses to Mystery Surprise from Straight Lads Spanked

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Wow, just wow. Take my word for it, buy this clip. These guys know how to take it to the next level!

  2. I just watched this new video and it is fantastic! The surprise turn of events is fun. But even without the surprise plot, Andy is the best!!!! He’s the hottest model in m/m spanking. Not just amazing looking, but a great actor, and totally open to doing almost anything. He’s just amazing and I can’t wait to see more of him in the future.
    By all means, buy this video. You won’t regret it.