Mouth Soaping – Andy

Andy has been sent to see Mr X yet again! This time it is to be punished for his constant swearing around the building site.
Mr X wastes no time in getting the beefy lad over his knee!

Foul Mouthed Andy!

When Mr X tells Andy to remove his jeans he refuses and continues to swear!

Big Mistake!

Mr X drags Andy by his ear into the kitchen and gets him over the sink.

….and proceeds to wash out his filthy mouth with soap!

Andy is then forced to hold the soap in his mouth as he gets his bare bottom spanked with a wooden spatula!

One Response to Mouth Soaping – Andy

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    HELL YEAH! I’ve been waiting for a scene like this from Straight Lads. Seeing this big sexy dude getting dragged by the ear for a mouthsoaping was like seeing my cartoons come to life 🙂
