Magic Spanking Factory: – Revenge for Prague

Jonathon pays the penalty for filming with a different spanking studio, as JustMagic from the Magic Spanking Factory explains:

Followers of some of the spanking blogs will no doubt know that Jonathon has been moonlighting at the Sting studios in Prague. 

 I was of course completely infuriated when I found about this and even more so when the urchin denied having ever been in Prague. It is fairly obvious that Jonathon was heading towards a good belting and that is indeed what he gets. Bent over a high backed chair I whack him on the jeans with my heavy leather belt. When he drops his jeans and is standing there wearing his baby blue cotton underpants he just looks so innocent. I do not allow myself to be deceived though and continue his well earned beating. His groaning and yelping do not help him either and soon the cruel belt is biting into the naked flesh of his well rounded buttocks….. I’ll give him Prague!!! 

Links provided to respect the intellectual property rights of the creator these images


19 Responses to Magic Spanking Factory: – Revenge for Prague

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    The man who runs this studio is very rude i was taken back by his words on the Sting google group then he tried to play it like he was joking but i dont believe for one second it was a joke and he had to backtrack himself by saying it was a joke so he didnt look stupid and controlling.

    • All I can say is “hook, line and sinker”
      I have had dealings with JM and I can assure he is anything but rude. I doubt if Rich from Sting had any other way to contact Jonathan except for thru JM. If JM had not wanted Jonathan to to Prague then I do not think it would have happened. Perhaps the blog should be monitored to avoid outbursts like the one above

      I am pleased to see JM is taking it with humor.

    • Hi Pete

      In fact the comments at this blog are moderated. I mistook the earlier comment for a joke, which is why I let it through. I am still not convinced it was meant seriously.


    • I aplogise if that was the impression I left you with. Obviously you did not believe me when i said I was easy with Jonathon working at Sting. Well, I wasn’t easy, I was delighted when he went. I have been a great admirer of Sting for years and because I think Jinathon is an exceptionally good looking guy and a very good actor I definitely wanted to see what they could produce. The result was wonderful.

      P.S. If I was as rude, stupid and controlling as you think I am then Jonathon would never have made well over 50 films with me.

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    My opinion 🙂

  3. I agree, he is very rude and completely uncouth. Should be banned from everything forever.

  4. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Mr Anonymous, have you considered whether the moon might be made from green cheese (though everyone would have to deny this to avoid looking stupid and controlling) or perhaps the earth is flat (again, suppressed by these controlling people) and have you noticed that, recently, the hot and cold water in your bathtub doesn’t mix as easily as once it did, again lots of backtracking going on by these stupid and controlling people.

    When your leg is obviously being pulled, don’t jump to the conclusion it is by Elvis or the people who shot JFK.

    Learn to enjoy a laugh (good for the heart and circulation).

    “My opinion :)”

    Another Mr Anonymous

  5. This message is for Luke (Anon24).

    Please stop leaving silly comments, you know I won’t let them through.

    We really do not want to fight with you. We want you to enjoy this site and we really would like you to leave comments if only you would be reasonable.

    So please calm down and just chill. Nobody wants to fight you, honesly

  6. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    First and foremostly I would like to thank magic spanking for contributing to this blog and also for making very good spanking films. This one was very enjoyable. Totally convincing despite containing some amusing dialogue. I looked at the sting lads blog and couldn’t find anything that warranted such an uncalled for and impolite rant from the first contributor?

    Personally I want to thank Mr Magic for providing (for me at least) very entertaining spanking videos.

    • Avatar Anonymous
      Anonymous says:

      Erm… i said the Sting fan google group not the sting blog that was where the comments were made

  7. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Im sorry Bruce but lets face it without me people dont comment as much i could comment on anything and alot of the time people feel the need to rant at me funny actually i spark there light 🙂 haha

  8. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I start the conversation and will end it. Your welcome.

  9. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    GOD Jonathon is so hot. MORE of him please. Also, could you re upload the older ones that got deleted when the site went down?

  10. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    What happened to the Magic Spanking blog? Will it be back again?

  11. Not for the time being.
    Unfortunately an extremely unpleasant and ugly person from the town in which I live found the blog, downloaded a load of pictures, mostly of Blondie and Jonathon and tried to blackmail us. That is the reason I shut the blog down. At the same time all available pics and clips were removed from this blog.

    We think we have him off our backs now but as i said he is a very nasty person and I’m leaving the blog closed at the moment.

  12. I loved this new video with jonathan, I liked the story from this one and Jonathan is always great, and what a wonderful bottom jonathon has.
    Keep up the great work you all do at Magic spank factory.

  13. He has a backside to die for .-)