Magic Spanking Factory: Jonathon in “Spank Roulette”

Magic Spanking Factory: Jonathon in “Spank Roulette”

Stephen has always had the notion of spanking someone and using a roulette wheel to determine the amount of strokes that person has to receive.

The chance presented itself recently when he caught, that perpetual naughty boy, Jonathon, in his party room at 11am drinking spirits.

There he was knocking back Fernet Branca as if it was soda. Not only is it high in alcoholic content the silly boy had not enjoyed the taste at all.

When Stephen confronted him he admitted to drinking 12 glasses of the vile potion. Stephen told him that he was going to be punished 12 times and that the Roulette wheel would decide which punishment he would receive and how many slaps or strokes it would be. That’s when the fun started and it was a lot of fun (for everyone apart from Jonathon) 🙂


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Jonathon would receive either strokes with the riding crop or spanks with Stephen’s hand depending on which color  the ivory ball landed in.

Game after “game” is played and Jonathon received his well earned chastisement.

Stephen thought this was great game, Jonathon less so. Stephen believes you will also enjoy the fun he had when you watch this clip, certainly a lot more than Jonathon enjoyed it!!.









The last five minutes in this clip are more or less “off camera”, no spanking but showing Jonathon and Stephen having a chat. They normally talk privately in German, this was done in English. In these five minutes you will see Jonathon as you have never seen him before and Stephen is convinced you will be blown away with how utterly charming this guy really is.

Preview Video

For the next three weeks you can download a full sized copy of the 2 minute preview from sendspace BY CIICKING HERE

Mouse Spank Jonathon’s Naughty bottom or clink the Links below to purchase Spank Roulette

Spank Roulette

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Magic Spanking Factory at Clips4Sale

Title 2257

NOTE: Some information on this clip.

Jonathon was not prompted to lie and say he had drank 12 shots. Stephen was quite happy with that actually, as the lad’s bravado meant he would receive more spanking than intended. Nobody can drink 12 Fernet Branca and survive. It is an Italien concoction made from fermented herbs and highly alcoholic have eaten too much and feel a bit bloated.

At some point I think Stephen get mixed up between the reds and the blacks and use the wrong instrument. Also, there was supposed to be 12 games but there are actually only eleven. That was Jonathon’s fault and he will be seriously reprimanded and punished for doing you out of a spanking round.

The full length video is 29 minutes long.

One Response to Magic Spanking Factory: Jonathon in “Spank Roulette”

  1. Avatar Gareth Hyde
    Gareth Hyde says:

    Great story must try this anyone care to join in at my house in school st llanbradach south Wales UK house 56