Kitchen Bums – Cocktail : At Bottom Line

Kitchen Bums – Cocktail

Diego and Jackson hoped to have their terrible lunch redeemed by a drink or two. When that hope is dashed Jackson decides to serve up a cocktail of his own creation to “mixologist” Alex as Diego, Eric and Jacob look on.


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Kitchen Bums – Cocktail


Title 2257


2 Responses to Kitchen Bums – Cocktail : At Bottom Line

  1. Avatar Adam Forrester
    Adam Forrester says:

    Not in MY kitchen!

  2. Avatar Fastifex
    Fastifex says:

    Poor pristine-pink-to-pain-purple-posterior-pounded puerile preppie-puppy Alex privately pouts pitifully, private-parts-privacy-privatively pants-down-pulled presenting his perky puerile person perfectly-perilously for pitiless purple-paining-posterior-punishment practically-publicly, once more being far too good for his own good.
    Being a bonny buddy and kind cur-kin, all-AAs angelic Alex often took the blame for some of kid brother’s, study-mates’ or dumber cousins’ stupid stuff, feeling guilty when they cried themselves to sleep on a super-sore-spanked stern while he never actually got into spankable trouble, so would be let off with a much milder ride OTK and often managed to tutor the grateful teen-terrors to pull up socks and even grades.
    Lately, Alex’s favourite friend risked losing his student job as mixologist, without which he couldn’t afford his next college term, as this buddy’s father dragged him along on a special summer voyage to seek a distant uncle’s crucial investment as the boy’s godfather in the ailing family firm, so Alex volunteered to fill in, even forfaiting the wage, just keeping tips, which proved regrettably rarer than ruthless ‘rebel-rear-ravaging’, without proper training, so the boss could impose as ‘learner condition’ any unsatisfied client may hand-spank him OTK, and attracted army after army of alumni-mates all summer, all seeking to spank such sweetly-submissive squirt ‘soundly’, hence ordering endlessly exotic cocktails, including many the incumbent never heard of either.
    Alex had counted to ‘inherit’ his friend’s fine ‘fringe benefit’ of systematically ‘sampling spirits’ to his thirsty twink taste, but(t) in the bully boss’s tasteless spirit, his ‘beverage-thievish brat bum’ was to be bared and buckskin-belt-beaten brightly beetroot-red for every sip, disabling him from learning basic -, let alone perfecting, much-needed mixology on the job.
    As if his as adorable as absolutely-abject all-AAs-adolescent-angel-arse wasn’t abused abundantly enough without any actual fault or folly for his foreign-voyaging friend’s finances and future, during his intimately-intimidating interim an inauspicious inspection occurs by a ruthless restaurant critic, who could cause the kitchen closed, hence his mate jobless, and already judged the chef incompetent enough to be stripped and spanked severely.
    Complementary cocktails can’t come close to compensating completely catastrophic cooking, even if he could concoct classy combinations rather than readily receiving a rigid-rods-resulting rascal-rump-roasting for reviled ‘rubbish’, but(t) remembering the alumni always adore abusing his angelic adolescent arse, and acutely aware of the assorted alumnus-sticker on Diego’s attaché-case, as well as the avidly absolutely-abject-arses-agony-attending assessor’s agreeable gentle genital growth gaily-giddily gazing at the gruelled guys’ gloriously-glowing-globes, Alex astutely concocted a curious ‘cock-tail compensation’, conferred with chef who couldn’t afford losing his job either, lacking any actual qualifications: in exchange for Diego and Jackson keeping their crushing conclusions confidential, so each criticism can be dealt with constructively before a re-inspection, they get the new VIP plus treatment whenever they want to spend a complimentary weekend in the inn, waited on regularly by Jacob hand and foot, and intimately served by Alex viz. Eric, both tails to their tactile taste.
    Diego accepted and readily returned every weekend till Alex’s buddy’s return, saucily stripping and spanking the splendid, super-submissive student-squirt softly, supposedly still soundly sanctioning the sinful service, surely sublimated in savouring the sweet student’s superb serviceability.