Jonathon – Beaten for Watching Porn

As an extra treat, here is JockSpank’s third helping of bad boy Jonathon this week. In Beaten for Watching Porn  He has as usual been very naughty, and, as usual, he gets just what he deserves.  I will hand over to his father figure, Just Magic to describe the scene!….

Nasty, nasty Jonathon was watching the most disgusting porn on the internet when I sneaked into his room and caught him. My timely intervention probably saved the urchin from a vile session of depraved, frantic masturbation. Wearing only a thin, tight and shiny pair of shorts he had already started to stimulate himself and was almost ready to begin soiling himself. Luckily I was there to prevent the catastrophe!

I was not going to let him get away with his depraved behavior and grabbing a slipper I pulled him over my knee. His juicy buttocks could be seen shimmering through the thin fabric of his shiny shorts and made an almost perfect target for the wicked slipper. Boys of his age should not be watching porn on the internet and I was determined that he would pay for his filthy habit. Blow after blow rained down on his taut bottom and his howling did not deter me from delivering even more severe blows. The glowing hue of his perfect buttocks which I was greeted with after pulling down his shorts convinced me I was doing the right thing. After continuing the spanking with the slipper I told the boy to lay on the bed. He drew some comfort from the fact that he could at least hug his teddy bear while the strap now more than hugged his sore bottom. Ordering him to get his bottom in the air and his shoulders down on the bed he was in an extremely exposed and embarrassing position. Again and again the strap hit his exposed buttocks, a couple of times even hitting the most intimate part of the shameless boy’s body.  JM

Video trailer 
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4 Responses to Jonathon – Beaten for Watching Porn

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    disgraceful behavior as always love it. god I love his bum love to get him in a thong with his cock poking out the side and his full balls on display. surely our hero deserves some time to enjoy himself surely mr magic understands what it is like at that age

  2. Avatar Jakespank
    Jakespank says:

    Top spankee and top spanker.
    Five stars from me.

  3. Avatar Nathan Roper
    Nathan Roper says:

    I could write a (very long) book about the things I’d like to do to Jonathon

  4. I would love to spank this boy into submission , he’s begging for it !