JockSpank at 10 (Part 2)

Continuing to celebrate JockSpank’s 10th anniversary with more of our journey through the spanking archives

2010 – 2011

In 2010 a couple of new studios began contributing to JockSpanK

MancSpank was one of them, in the image at the top of this posting, naughty Craig discovered the dangers of smoking

Also from MancSpank young Mancurian cadet took some serious punishment


Click here or on the Continue Reading Tab below to continue our troll down memory lane



We also began including content from Spanking Central, here Rex feels the razor strap

Gino gets a barn spanking



Meanwhile Sting continued to titillate and thrill us, as with this double caning from “See No Evil”

and who can forget Danny Walsh’s cute bottom in the same movie

Also from Sting, in one of his earliest performances, the ever popular, Dexter travelled back to 1900 to give and take Discipline in Discipline Diary 1900


Mans hand Films gave us our “Just Deserts”


and we had the first of many contributions from East Europe Boys


In 2010 JockSpank also began posting vintage images, such as these 1950/60’s classics from Royale Studios, visually erotic images, ownership of which would have been a prosecutable crime when they were first produced.


Travelling forward to the 21st Century our very popular contributor Mark began submitting his brilliant PhotoShop images


In 2011 more studios began submitting content.

One of these was CP4Men, here is one of their earlier sets featuring Jason taking an obviously well deserved spanking


We were also joined by British Boys Fetish Club (BBFC), who’s work has since become one of out most regular features. (Wow! doesn’t Tony look young!!)


Sting Continued to be very much part of the JockSpank Output, and one of the proprietors, Richard O’Shea provided us with the first of two interviews


Sting also launched a new venture in the form of Hornet Picture which combine Spanking with hot gay sex action

Sting also introduced us to the impishly naughty Damien Drake, who went on to take many well deserved spanking

William Higgins brought us an interesting Czech Easter tradition in the form of the pomlazka (Easter whip)

The Artist Franco continued to entertain us

And on time poster Mike (aka Strictop) introduced us to a variety of different spanking artists, such as RenaSama

and MilO

Mark’s PhotoShop work began to become more ambition, and even more fun.

More Vintage posting included this image featuring the Martin brothers


And at YGF Daniel received a spanking

There is lots more to come as next we will move on to 2012