Jacob – The Switch

 Jacob in the barn- Up close with the switch

Personally I am not a fan of the switch, which I find to cruel.  But I certainly am a fan of Jacob, his tan line, and Spanking Central.

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4 Responses to Jacob – The Switch

  1. Ward, I’d respectfully disagree with you, that the switch is a cruel implement. It’s no worse than the cane – about the same level of pain and marking. Many countless boys in America were disciplined with the switch, and it served them well as a means to correct their wrongdoing.

    • Hi CP

      Thanks for commenting, I an sure you are right that the switch was a very effective means of teaching errant young men the folly their ways 🙂 I just feel that there is a danger of leaving permanent marking, but maybe I am wrong, I have never used one.

  2. Well, yes it is possible to apply a switch or a cane for that matter, hard enough to cut the flesh of the buttocks and thighs; and those injuries could leave permanent scars. But then, that intensity of application is beyond what I would term disciplinary punishment. When applied after the manner of a kind but firm and judicious parent or authority figure, the marks of a switch typically disappear within a week or less – depending upon the particular healing speed of the lad involved.

  3. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Done properly a switching is painful, teaches you a big time lesson but the marks fade in a few days – I’ve had it loads of times from the old man but have never experienced broken skin – just lottsa sting and plenty of stripes which wer epooudly displayed in the changing rooms to show other guys that I cud take it!!