Jacob in “Swim Team Discipline”


Jacob stars in a recent release by Spanking Central: The swim team coach administers some blistering discipline to Jacob’s behind for repeatedly being late to practice.


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5 Responses to Jacob in “Swim Team Discipline”

  1. Anonymous-In regard to Jacob getting the paddle from the swim coach The clips start with Jacob wearing a Swim suit we all knowvthat is going to be short lived and it was.It looks like from the clips that Jacob gets a discolored Hide which appears to be very hot and red.It looks like iIt very sore.I assume we all know what happened and it wasn’t any surprize

  2. Avatar Clansmanchris
    Clansmanchris says:

    Tom Daley take note! If you are reading this, this could just as easily be you being paddled – or, better still, soundly strapped over my knee (in both the conventional and wheelbarrow positions) – for any lateness when you report to me for your training session! And, just to keep your back nice and supple for all your synchronised diving, I think I would also spank and strap you in the diaper position too, pretty boi! xxxxxx (six of the best across each buttock and the back/inside of each thigh, for starters)!

  3. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Jacob needs to learn a lesson about being on time for swimming practice .There is nothing like a session with the paddle to get this point acossI don’t think he needs that swim suit on at all In addition it’s clear from the Clips that Jacob Hide goes from being White to red in a hurry .This sure is the result of the paddle being used on what appear to be Bare skin.This is the way it should be no question about it

  4. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    in regard to Clansmanchriis—Please note we are dealing with a young teenager OTK is not a option in myviewI I believe the way he got the paddle was fine .The only changes that I would recommend is for him1) To lay it over a Horse 2) Lay it all out o a bed or sofa with pillows so that his Hide was a good target .However given the circumstances of where this took place I believe iIt was fine

  5. in regard to punishment from the swimming Coach whether the actual paddling starts with this young man Swim suit on we all know that it will be coming off .Personally it would be be my view that there is little need for this young man to be wearing anything from the beginning .Any and all disclipine needs to servere and this means that the paddle neds to be used on the Bare Ass from the beginning in my mind this sets the atmosphere up from the beginning .I see no need to waste timeif a Lickin and or Spanking is going to occur the sooner the better .Let’s not waste time .I say let’s get down to the business at hand and get the the job done and that to me means a very well Tanned Ass .To me this isn’t a place for discussion .Time for discussion is over Action nowtakes place .So I believe that punishment discipline needs to take place ASP and one needs to seethe results of same