Into The Woodshed a Brand Spanking new Musical by Mark – Act I

Into The Woodshed a Brand Spanking new Musical by Mark – Act I

Here is Act 1 of the fantasy creation by Mark, “Into The Woodshed – the Musical”

Any readers who are not Musical Theatre Buffs might want to listen to the original numbers on YouTube to appreciate the tune behind Mark’s funny, clever and inventive lyrics

Click on the images below to see the full sized pictures and text


Click Here or on the Continue Reading tab below to see more.











Act II will follow in a few weeks – please be patient.

Meanwhile, you can see more of Mark’s fantasy art HERE

9 Responses to Into The Woodshed a Brand Spanking new Musical by Mark – Act I

  1. Avatar hisroyalheinie
    hisroyalheinie says:

    Brilliant, sparkling wit! Bravo!

  2. Avatar spankedson
    spankedson says:

    Stunning amount of work and beautifully created images- the Dad belting his son with the guys watching over the fence was worth the price of admission alone!

  3. Thank you this is amazing , I love your work

  4. This is great. Very ambitious project well realized.

  5. Avatar Swatter
    Swatter says:

    Is there a Part 3 missing?

    • Hi Swatter

      Scene 3 is there, its the part where Hayward Hancock arrives to the tune of “They Need a Little Lesson”

  6. Avatar TJ Wood
    TJ Wood says:

    Many people don’t know it, but I make my living doing musical theatre under my real name, not my Helix Studios stage name. I was thoroughly enchanted by this post! I am a big fan of musicals and sang along with every song, plus I love the thought of naughty young men having to endure a public spanking on their bare bottoms. Wouldn’t I love the chance to audition as a spanker for this musical. Well done! And thanks to my friend Copper for pointing it out to me!

    • TJ, thank you for your generous praise. As you probably have already seen Ward has posted ACT II. I hope you enjoy it as much as the first half. I suspect the role of Jackson’s father would suit you very well!

      • Avatar TJ Wood
        TJ Wood says:

        I would love to play that role. I am a very big fan of a father/son spanking paradigm. I did read Act ll. Loved it as much, if not more than Act l. It is exceptionally well written with very clever lyrics. I’d love to go to a theatre and spend a couple of hours watching young men spanked live on stage. Sounds like great evening!!