Information Request

We have been asked to identify the origin of the above GIF, which was part of Dr van Spanking’s contribution to last Saturday’s Saturday Spankables. I am inclined to suggest it may be from a Bel Ami video, but I can’t confirm that. Does anyone recognise it?

If you can provide any information please leave a comment below, or use the “Contact Us” tab in the left hand column.

Thanks for your help


Thanks to Mahtan for his comment, and to James and Bobby who wrote via the Contact Us Link.

All have confirmed that the GIF comes from a BelAmi video starring Kriss Evans. Two titels have been suggested “Exploring Kriss Evans” and “Kriss Evans and the Kinky Angels – part 2”

From the image below, which I found Online, it is definitely Bel; Ami and starts muscular Kriss Evans.

One Response to Information Request

  1. I think you’re right about BelAmi, that should be “Kris with Kinky Angels – Part 2” from 02.08.2013.