In Their Own Words – Tigger

Directed by Doctor Skelpz: Tigger has been caught out at home being naughty. As part of the payback he takes a well-deserved bare bum caning. As the caning is inflicted Tigger describes the experience.

Links provided to protect Dr Skelpz’s intellectual property rights  

7 Responses to In Their Own Words – Tigger

  1. Wonderful that Tigger is still around, still taking it, as lovely as ever, after all this time! Congratulations to Dr Skelps for picking up Tig, David, Barry &c. and persuading them to model for him.

  2. Not so wonderful is that the Clips4Sale site is refusing to allow me to buy this particular one. Tried several times and it just freezes.

    Is there any way to alert Dr Skelpz about this problem?

  3. Hi Frankie
    Please write to me directly and I shall raise it with clips4sale
    Dr S

  4. Hi Frankie
    Please write to me directly and I shall raise the matter with clips4sale
    Dr S