“Happy Smacky Sister” Fem Dom Spanking Art By Franco

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WARNING: Franco’s Fem Dom images feature young men being disciplined and spanked by Strict Women

Happy Smacky Sister

The jolly nun certainly seems to enjoy her work!

You can view more of Franco’s Spanking images, by Clicking Here

5 Responses to “Happy Smacky Sister” Fem Dom Spanking Art By Franco

  1. Avatar K. W. Jones
    K. W. Jones says:

    I enjoy these, but I can’t figure out how these young men would be around Sisters to get spankings from them. They look too old to be parochial high school students. Just wondering…

    • Good thought and very logical. Really fantasy based on parochial school boy lore about punishing nuns, stretching the age differences while keeping it adult. Another take on F/M spanking image fiction.

      • Thanks for the comment. Growing up in public school, there were lots of stories about spanking Nuns. Of course back in the day when spanking was not so “evil”….

  2. Another excellent drawing from FRANCO. Love all of his works. Thanks, Franco

  3. And remember, some high school students are older due to repeating years – and they might well be those that need discipline lol