CP4Men – Five Bare Bottoms Spankings! (Compilation)

Five spanked bare bottoms from CP4Men.   If you love the bit where the spanking goes bare bottom then this is the clip for you! Not just one but FIVE bare bottom spankings! This is a compilation taken from our highly successful clip “The Spanking Room”. In total its 30 minutes of non-stop bare bottom spanking


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2 Responses to CP4Men – Five Bare Bottoms Spankings! (Compilation)

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Anonymous — I loved the clips of the five Bare bottoms the clips were great The hides tanned looked great too The spanking room was also ideal there were no surprizes here Onething that disliked was the OTk approach it would. Have been better if they were payed across a spanking bench In additionn the first scene where all of these guys are in there underwear a clip where they lose them would have been good .Other wise it was great Thanks

  2. Avatar Bastinado Boy
    Bastinado Boy says:

    The three Sting models used in three of these videos, Sebastian, Rowan and ____ have all retired from Sting, I was told. Sebastian has a gorgeous butt and he made many Sting videos. Rowland is very handsome and his full length video, sampled here, is the best one. An absolutely gorgeous scene is when Rowan is being spanked in his underwear and the sunlight comes in the window and the light on his butt is gorgeous! Then Rowan is asked to get up and take off his shorts and then go back in position, in the sunlight! One could study and cherish every single frame of this part of the video watching Rowan stand up and then go over the knee again in the light. A beautiful body on display with extraordianary (and probably accidental lighting.) I wish the spankings were harder and some pain was inflicted on these three Sting models, my only constructive criticism.