Coming soon from Sting – “Bring Back the Birch

The next Sting Download “Bring Back the Birch” will be released later this week. Over an hour long, over two years in the making, and featuring a host of Sting lads, some familiar, and some new, this Sting documentary will examine the use of the birch as a fearsome instrument of punishment.
Sting use authentic birch and hazel branches in their scary looking birches, not easy to find in central London, so maybe they send the bad lads out to the Bohemian woods looking for the switches which will later be used on their bottom?
One thing is for certain, those things really *sting!!*
There will be more pictures to follow when “Bring Back the Birch” is released


3 Responses to Coming soon from Sting – “Bring Back the Birch

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    These are incredibly hot pictures!

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    oh man, ALL of these boys are hot. can’t wait for this to come out.

  3. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says: