Celebrities in need of a spanking – Levi Johnston

I would like to resurrect a JockSpank feature made popular by JockSpank poster SpankFan, featuring celebrities we would all would like to see spanked.  I don’t know if this guy qualifies as a celebrity, but he is certainly a candidate for a long hard bare bottom spanking.
Whatever your political views, I am sure that most would agree that one time Alaskan hockey jock and father of 2008 Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol’s baby, Levi Johnston is a real brat overdue for a sore butt. Levi has spent the last three years exploiting and embarrassing his son’s family  in search of every dime he can get his handsome bad boy hands on.  The straight male equivalent of a kiss and tell bimbo, he has posed naked for a PlayGirl photo shoot and video (which focused at length on his bare bottom), and has now published a book, again cashing in on someone else’s fame and effort.

So, here’s this weeks deserving candidate for a spanking

Wouldn’t you just love to see that plump little bottom spanked till he can’t sit down for a week?!!
A good spanking might wipe that smug grin off his face!


21 year old Levi’s kiss and tell “autobiography” was published earlier this year

A tempting target

A request to any blog and website owner or members of forums where you can post pictures, if lots of you post this picture under the name levi-johnston.jpg to enough sites it might start appearing at the top of google image searches for Levi Johnson.  That way Levi is sure to see it when he Googles himself (Which I am sure he does!!)



Do you think Levi deserves a spanking or not?  Vote in our poll in the right hand column of this blog

Comments, views and suggestions would be welcome

Click here to read

“Sarah Palin’s Husband Publicly Spanks Young Levi Johnston” 

(fanfic) at MaleSpank.net 


16 Responses to Celebrities in need of a spanking – Levi Johnston

  1. Perfect candidate, a really deserving choice

  2. As a uk resident I have no idea. Who this is, but agree he drawers a thrashing. What a singularly smug and puppy faced boy

  3. Hell yeah! Levi should get taken out to the Wood Shed and be given a good old fashion whipping! I’m sure he got them when he was a kid! He is trouble all around!

  4. I am sure Sarah Palin’s husband would take great pleasure putting young Levi over his knee, and blister his bare bottom red. I am sure FOX news would just love to broadcast the event.

  5. Yes, obviously on this site we’ld all love to see such sexy, sassy sports-stud stripped-starkers and soundly spanked saucily sore-sterned,
    but(t) never for ’embarrassing’ a mere female,
    rather 1° as a hazing-type initiation into the ranks of ‘derived celebrities’
    2° (i.e. again, fielding the big guns) for waiting until after her political career-stepdown to embarrass a sheila so singularly stupid she gives incompetent politicians an even worse name and make US-haters feel embarrassed to belong to the same species, and speaking as interested foreigner, whatever you think of the republican party, the Tea Party mat not be allowed to seize the monopoly as opposition to has-been Obama

  6. Palin has made $20 million in three years, if that’s stupid, I want to be that stupid!

    Agree though Levi sure needs spanking.

  7. There is a story about Todd Palin spanking Levi at Malespank.net, here is the link

  8. Oh yes, that would be so hot, it would be awesome to watch Levi get his tight white pants pulled down, thrown over a strong male knee and having that cute butt spanked as it truly deserves.

    They could sell tickets People would be standing in line to spank that bad boy, or just to watch him get his naked ass spanked.

  9. Well, Levi seems desperate for money and publicity. Someone should put him in touch with Rick at Reluctant Young Money. I would definitely buy the download and Rick would not only make a mint but enjoy himself even more than usual. I bet Levi is a crier.

  10. Hi Larry S

    Thanks for that link, I will update the posting.

  11. Levi Johnston gettin’ an hour long bare butt spankin’ from Todd Palin, plus any of his other angry ex-girlfriend’s dads, on prime time TV is a show I’d stay home for.

    Yeah Tawser I bet he is a crier, and a spanking at RYM would also be hot. I’d like to see Rick redden that little wet tush with one of his hairbrushes

  12. BEST OF ALL,HE’S NIGHTCLUBBIN,wakes up drugged and naked,three HUGE BLACK BUCKS fuck,and make him suck them off,then,each one paddles him naked,the other two hold his ankles and wrists over the bucks lap,and he’s crying with the first bull paddlin him,imagine the THIRD

  13. Love that idea Marco but with one addition, there should be an audience to watch his shaming

  14. I agree – get Levi in touch with Reluctant Young Men – I’d love to see that struggling ass under a paddle

  15. yeah, it was the perfect idea but hey could do this with Tom Welling or Jensen Ackles, would be great thanks

  16. Tom Welling or Jensen Ackles are two great choices, but unlike Levi Johnston what have they done to deserve a spanking?