• Category Archives Uncategorized
  • Cryingfest Compilation

    Spanking Boys Video have put together two new compilation downloads featuring scenes from their earlier releases showing boys crying as their bottoms are spanked.
    Scroll down to view the preview trailers

    Cryingfest Compilation 2 Running time 64 minutes

    Cryingfest Compilation 3 Running time 72 minutes
    Links provided to respect the intellectual property rights of the creator these images  

    (Available until 16th September) 

    Spanking Boys Blog

  • A Message from the M_Spank_M Group

    This message is very late in coming, since it has been a very difficult decision to make. 
    After Google deactivated m_spank_m because of an alleged conflict with their TOS, we found a way to send in a protest, which resulted in the group being put back on the list of groups, but only visible to members, who could then read the entries in the archives, which have working links (assuming the links are still valid) but do not show pictures or clips. There are buttons to push by members who go to the group online, one stating that they want to see the content and then another stating that the material is not spam and finally another box where they can click, stating that it is not abuse and requesting Google to review the matter. Unfortunately there is no other visible way to contact Google further about this matter, and as we all know since that point in time nothing further has happened regarding the restoration of the group.  I do not know how many members clicked on these buttons, nor if there would have been any effect on Google had all 4,000+ members done so, so we are indeed stymied.
    Although both SirCPUK and I would be willing to continue moderating m_spank_m should it be resurrected, we have after much deliberation and soul searching decided that we will not try to create a new group to replace it.  As I said, this has not been an easy decision, and time has not made it any easier.
    Several members have written to us indicating that they would be willing to give a new group a start and there are others who have offered financial help in order to pay for a group domain.  The major problem remains finding sufficient men willing to do the moderation, as there were more who were ready to offer financial or technical assistance than those willing to tackle the job itself.
    If those of you who are interested in doing such would like to write to us, we can forward your mails to the others who have written so that you can get in touch with each other.  We remain available should you have any questions that we can answer and will be more than happy to share our experience with anyone who gets a new group going.
    Onkel Ben

  • New Sting Website

    Sting have launched their new website which includes a member area with a chat room galleries and member only videos, or you can just buy and download videos in the usual way.

    Due to technical issues payment by MasterCard is not available at the moment

    Further information will be issued shortly, but meanwhile you can visit the new Sting site by clicking here.

  • Sting Hard at Work

    Sting hard at it

    Sting are hard at work ironing out the inevitable final glitches before they launch their new and improved website.  They hope to have it all up and running shortly, and have asked me to pass on their apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
    Please do not attempt to purchase videos until the new site has fully loaded


    Further announcements will be made in due course

  • Blogger TOS – Update

    As announced here yesterday, we have been advised that Blogger will change the terms of service at the end of this month, and will remove any adult blogs which it considers to have “advertising” content. 

    JockSpank’s position in this respect is explained in the new notice at the top of this blog. JockSpank is not an advertising blog, and the owners do not make any money from it. However, when we post images or video clips from commercial studios, we have always included a link to the studio. This has been done for the convenience of our visitors and most importantly so as to respect the intellectual property rights of those who created the items which we post.
    Failure to acknowledge the copyright owners would be a breach of that copyright, a form of piracy and, in effect, theft. Therefore, wherever a studio is still in existence we have always provided a link to that studio, not because we have been asked to, but because we believe it is the right thing to do. We have kept to this principle ever since JockSpank was first launched in June 2008.
    Unfortunately, this could put this blog at risk.
    In case the worst does happen we have set up a temporary JockSpank google group where we will issue announcements as to any new JockSpank location should we decide to continue if this blog is removed by Blogger.
    You can join the Google group by going to the following link:
    please make a note of that link so that you can find us, should this blog suddenly disappear. 
    (NOTE: It is not our intention that the Google Group should become an alternative to JockSpank, it is merely intended to be a source of information in an emergency)
    Other places where we will publish information if this happens are:
    Sore Bottomed Guys: 
    Feel the Sting 2
    Feel the Sting on Twitter: 
    Please keep a note of these locations as well
    Despite the above, we hope that Blogger will acknowledge that JockSpank is not an advertising site and that we have never made money from it, and allow us to continue providing the popular content we have done for the last five years.

  • IMPORTANT This may be the End of JockSpank

    Blogger has announced that as from June 30th they will be removing any adult blogs which include advertising for adult material,  Further details can be found here  .  Although JockSpank has never at any time made money from the content on this blog, we have repeatedly linked to the providers of the content we have posted, and it may well be that Blogger will view this as “advertising” In which case both JockSpank and Feel The Sting will be at risk.
    We do not have the time to remove all links from the site or from the archives, so we have no option other than to wait and see what happens.
    Meanwhile please take note of the following links where we will issue information should the worst occur.
    Sore Bottomed Guys: 

    Feel the Sting 2
    Feel the Sting on Twitter: 

    Thanks for your support over the last five years, please keep your fingers crossed that we stay safe


  • Harry the Prank

    In today’s update at BBFC naughty Harry has the devil in him and decides to play a prank on Craig, he places a pin on his chair. Harry knows Craig is on auto pilot and is never that awake in the mornings.


    Craig makes a coffee and sits on the pin, he pulls it out and is furious.
    He storms out the room after grabbing the first thing he can find to spank Harry. He gets the lad and shoves him into the salon and puts him OTK and spanks him hard with the frying slice and the hand, on his shorts, underwear and bare ass.


    Craig is so angry he throws the lad on the sofa and makes him kneel down and removes his belt. The belt is used liberally and hard, poor Harry gets the full force of Craigs ire. The lovely furry little butt takes some great swats and pays a high price for a silly prank.