- Category Archives Matt Mills
Sting – Banged Up! My Borstal Days II Now on DVD
Banged Up! My Borstal Days II is now available on DVD as well as the usual downloadThis feature length video is a 1 hour 42 minute long epic set in a Borstal reformatory for wayward young men and staring 17 Sting Lads including Darren, Matt Mills, Danny, Robbie, Jason Shaw, Damien Drake, David, James Bruce, Barry, Justin Kinsley, David, Dale Brady, Keith and George Baston (aka Brandon Junior)
Also staring Margusta, Dexter, Scott and Rusty together with various new sting disciplinariansPreview trailerLinks:Available as a DVD or as a download
CP4Men – Straight Brothers Spanked – Part2 (Featuring Matt Mills)
In Part One we saw what happened to straight brothers Matt and Will when the government decided to reintroduce spanking for bad boys. In Part Two Matt and Will receive the last part of there spanking which begins with some sound hand spanking followed by 20 each with the paddle. Matt was not happy about getting spanked and puts the blame on Will and decides he should get some extra punishment!
Video trailerLinks
Straight Brothers Spanking is also available at CLIPS4SaleThere is a link to the CP4Men 18.USC.2257 declaration in the right hand column of this blog
CP4Men – Straight Brothers Spanked – Part1 (Featuring Matt Mills)
Finally its happened-due to lack of discipline its been decided to bring back over the knee bare bottom spanking and these two brothers are no exception.With horror they read the front page of the morning paper and try to hide it from dad but with no avail as he finds out later about the good news!Its Matt’s turn first to receive a sound spanking.. and then Will takes his place who also receives a dose of Mums hairbrush across his beefy backside!Both boys end up with there hands on there head-has the spanking stopped?I don’t think so…!Links
Straight Brothers Spanking is also available at CLIPS4SaleThere is a link to the CP4Men 18.USC.2257 declaration in the right hand column of this blog
Matt Mills
A commentator wrote in earlier asking if Matt Mills was alright and what he was currently doing. I have been in contact with Rich O’Shea from Sting, who assures me that Matt is well and that, just this wee, he was in contact with him to discuss plans for Matt to appear in a future Sting Movie.Matt also appears in the latest release by CP4Men.net called Straight Brothers Spanking about two brothers who discover that the government have reintroduced bare bottom spanking for bad boys. Straight Brothers Spanking staring Matt Mills is also available from Clips4Sale
New From Sting – Officer Carter’s Borstal Diary … Part 1
“Officer Carter’s Borstal Diary” is the latest download by Sting.In the old British Borstal System, known as juvenile correction in the US, lads had to wear khaki coloured short trousers and woollen shirts. The clothing chosen was often ex-military saving the government money and militarising the situation making it more regimental and tough for the inmates.Officer Carter had taken up his first post in a Borstal institution fresh from regular prison service. He soon settled in and realised that discipline administration is somewhat different for younger transgressors. Officer Copeland (Rusty) certainly knows how to deal firmly with unruly trainees and so he does with Kirby (Tom Nuttall) a cheeky young trainee from his own house.Firstly, by marching him in to the changing room by his ear then laying on a traditional and firm spanking. Kirby squirms and twists as his bare backside gets redder and raw with each slap.However Copeland is never satisfied with just a spanking, so he chooses a whippy rattan cane from stock and orders Kirby to bend over. Reluctantly the lad obeys and receives a stinging batch of burning stripes across his already sore backside.Official birching has to be administered and its time for Trainee Williams (Matt Mills) to receive his. After the sentence is read out he is secured over the vaulting horse and Mr Copeland lays on the punishment.The whippy and sharp birch twigs lash home leaving poor Williams raised bare bottom feeling like its on fire! ……………..To be continued ………Click here for more pictures from Officer Carter’s Borstal DiaryThere is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 declatation in the right hand column of this blog
Coming Soon from Sting – Officer Carter’s Borstal Diary
The next Sting download, Officer Carter’s Borstal Diary, is due to be released this weekend, I will post more pictures when it is released. This short story, set in a penal institution for wayward young men, is a prelude to Sting’s forthcoming DVD ‘Banged Up Borstal days 2’Officer Carter’s Borstal Diary stars Sebastian, Tom Nuttall, Matt Mills and new Sting Star Toby, together with Rusty and Margusta keeping the unruly youths in their place (usually bottom up over someone’s knee!)
There is a link to the Sting 18.USC.2257 declatation in the right hand column of this blog
New From Sting “Let the Cane take the Strain ” #2
Here are some more pictures from the the new Sting special length download (47.5 minutes) “Let the cane take the strain – Part 1” which has now been released.
Storyline: The rattan cane is probably the most famous of all the punishment instruments. In part one of this drama documentary Sting Pictures takes a look back at the early years of its use and follows through to the 50s and 60s.
The film opens in a 1900 House Of Correction where inmate Johnson (Carlos Fernandez) is summoned to be punished by his Warden. First a good bare bottom spanking followed by a caning face down on the pine scrub top table. He yelps his way through the punishment as different canes are selected. The idea for this sequence is based on an old photo of the period.
Next Robbie features as Naval Training Ship cadet boy seaman Heath up on a charge and sentenced to receive traditional ‘cuts’ of the cane both in tight white naval ducks and on the bare breech. Stoically, like most young cadets, he takes his punishment well.
Moving on in time and down under senior student Hargreaves (Dexter) reports to his house master for late night bullying in the dormitory. Dressed in his pyjamas he gets a long hard spanking and is then told to report back the next day in sports kit for the cane. He has been warned many times but perhaps further 24 strokes of this stinging rod with help him to behave.
Next featuring a 1950s public school environment David McCullock (Matt Mills) reports to his house master for a caning. McCullock’s smooth backside bucks and twists as the biting cane connects with his blemish free bare bottom. After this and to make sure the lad fully understands the master delivers a firm hand spanking!
Now it’s a visit to a 60s Borstal where inmate 43567 Simmonds (Andreas) is receiving a punishment caning from gross miss behaviour. His house officer (Margusta) makes sure the strokes are carefully and well laid on!
In a junior soldiers battalion young junior leader (Sebastian) reports to receive punishment from the Physical Training Instructor (Dexter) in typical army style he is commanded by the PTI to strip, mount the horse and receive 24 cuts of the cane. Legs well apart and bend right over this muscular young squaddie will think again before being brought up on a charge! This feature is part one of a series and will be followed by other stories of masters who much prefer to let the cane take the strain!
Coming this weekend from Sting – Let the cane take the strain Part 1
Coming this weekend from Sting “Let the Cane take the Strain (Part 1)” is an examination of the use of the rattan cane in institutions of reform and education. It stars Matt Mills, Robbie, Sebastian, Andreas, Carlos Fernandez and Dexter, with a appearance by a cane wielding Margusta. More details (and pictures) to follow …..