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Sting Spanking Classic : The Sixth Formers – Bad Habits (Part 2 of 2) with Video Preview
Scenes three and four of the Sting Spanking Classic
The Sixth Formers – Bad Habits
Despite his prefect status, Ward himself though is no angel when it comes to the rule book and eventually he is caught cheating in a mock exam.
It’s his Housemaster Mr Heidrick (Dexter) who has the duty of disciplining the boy. Unimpressed that this is a prefect Mr Heidrick lays on a hard bare bottom spanking but it’s the caning after that really has the boy yelping.
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Continue reading Post ID 44165
Sting Spanking Classic : The Sixth Formers – Bad Habits
The Sixth Formers – Bad Habits
The latest batch of senior boys and prefects at Coombe Hall College have been up to no good again. The Headmaster though is having none of it and steps in when things start to get out of hand.The first to get his collar felt is prefect Mark Harfield ( Adam Ashton) His pranks and behaviour have got him referred to his Housemaster Mr Sharpe (Marco) Young Harfield, dressed in his pyjamas, finds himself over the knee for a good long stinging spanking. Senior boy or not he’s getting into bed at lights out with a very sore bottom indeed!
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Continue reading Post ID 44165
Sting: The Sixth Formers Knaves and Knives (Part 1) – with Preview Trailer
The second set of pictures from the brand Sting download The Sixth Formers Knaves and Knives (scroll down to view the preview trailer)
After Robinson’s spanking he is ordered over the vaulting horse for a burning dose of the gym slipper.His bare rounded and muscular bottom is now raw to touch so the swishing sound of the cane now in the master’s hand is no welcome sound at all!The cane bites cruelly in to the lads protruding bare buttocks and with it a burning sting drives the message home, behave or else!Mark Harfield ( Adam Ashton) is a cocky youth and although a prefect tends to lose his temper. The latest incident in the geography room saw a tirade of expletives being used!Sent to his Housemaster Mr Volny no time is wasted in to getting this senior boy across his knee in the same manner as would befit a junior.A stinging bare bottom spanking is laid on with relish.The spanking of course is just a pre cursor for a caning that the boy will hopefully think about next time he decides to let off steam.The well-oiled rattan cuts painfully in to this college rugby team member’s bare bottom. The burning stripes will still be visible to his mates as he steps in to the showers later!View the preview trailer OnlineAlternatively the trailer can be downloaded to your computer from SendSpace at the following link.(When downloading from Sendspace click on the blue bar towards the bottom of the screen – See illustration below)Links provided out of respect for Sting’s intellectual property rights
A 1080p Extra High Definition version will be available shortly
Sting: The Sixth Formers Knaves and Knives (Part 1)
The impudent sixth formers are up to their old tricks again
but the staff is having none of it!Garry Edwards (Gerry Robbins) has got himself in to trouble by sending and underage 4th former to buy cigarettes for him. He knows that cigarettes are banned in any case so this is a double whammy in rule breaking.The Headmaster dispatches him off to his Housemaster Mr Volny (Johan Volny) who quickly gets to work on some disciplinary guidance, of the type best delivered with the palm of a hard hand at the end of a strong armBig lad though his is the punishment starts with a good over the knee spanking leaving Edwards firm muscular bare bottom red and scolded.Unfortunately for him a second onslaught with the strap leaves a deep stinging impact that will surely help to curb his smoking habit!Paul Robinson (Rudi Vallance) was unlucky enough to have his stash of porn discovered by the cleaner.However it’s the presence of two knives in his locker that has really annoyed his Housemaster (Rupert Pendragon editor of Corporal Contacts magazine in a guest appearance)He too gets a good firm spankingHowever, if Robinson thinks that a mere hand spanking is all the punishment he will receive he’s in for a surprise. His tender bare bottom, and the bare bottom of at least one more sixth former will be glowing a lot redder soon ……!!To Be Continued ……..
More High Quality Photos and a Video Preview Trailer to follow!
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Sting: Preview Trailer for Doubled Up Down Under
Scroll down to view the Preview trailer for Doubled Up Down Under,
starring Rudi, Adam and DexterView the preview trailer OnlineAlternatively full a sized High Definition version of the trailer can be downloaded to your computer from SendSpace at the following link.(When downloading from Sendspace click on the blue bar towards the bottom of the screen – See illustration below)Links provided out of respect for Sting’s intellectual property rights
Sting: Doubled Up Down Under
Two senior students, Walker (Rudi Vallance) and Harper (Adam Ashton) have been caught yet again with booze in their dormitory. Undeterred by their last warning this hapless pair decided rather foolishly to challenge the college rules a second time.This is something the Headmaster cannot possibly continue to allow and has called on their Housemaster Mr Heidrick (Dexter) to offer some assistance in a session of much needed discipline.Called to their classroom the Headmaster asks Mr Heidrick to lay on a spanking these boys will not forget, this to be followed by a good canning on their bare bottoms. He is of course very pleased to comply with the request.
First to receive his spanking is Walker. This athletic and muscular young Ruby player is not too happy at having to go across the knee of the youthful Mr HeidrickHe’s even less happy when his backside is bared and the Housemaster’s firm hand is continues cracking down on to his rounded and reddening cheeks.Walker is ordered to stand up and Harper takes his placeHe too receives a sound spanking. Both boys think they are too old for this but it won’t deter Mr Heidrick from making sure they both go to bed later with scorched and burning bottoms!As the boys take their punishment or stand facing the wall their thoughts are trained to the question of is that it? Are they going to escape with just a spanking?They couldn’t be more wrong! Mr Heidrick is already swishing a crook handled rattan cane through the air to test its pliability! Both boys are ordered to bend over side by side.The painful bare bottom caning to come will leave both lads with very sore raised red welts as the wicked rattan cuts its raw message home.You can buck the system some of the time but in the end its wins!Adam and RudiA Preview trailer will be posted tomorrowLinks provided out of respect for Sting’s intellectual property rights
Sting Raw – Preview Trailer for “Adam Army” starring Adam Ashton
View the preview trailer OnlineAlternatively full a sized High Definition version of the trailer can be downloaded to your computer from SendSpace at the following link.(When downloading from Sendspace click on the blue bar towards the bottom of the screen – See illustration below)Links provided out of respect for Sting’s intellectual ownership