BBFC: Terry Max Strap

BBFC: Terry Max Strap

Terry has annoyed Max again and this time he is in for the strap while kneeling on the couch.

Terry is wearing jeans shorts and these really show off his little butt well. They are stretched tight in this position and the strap wielded by max really does land with a whack.



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The yelps from terry are great all the way through this clip. Max knows his stuff and works on Terrys rear end well.



Once Terry drops his shorts he is wearing white briefs and he looks even better and max goes to work again with the strap.





A final set on the bare ass is just what Terry needs and just what he gets.





Max does a great spanking and Terry takes it well in this clip.


3 Responses to BBFC: Terry Max Strap

  1. The music is so loud and obnoxious it smothers the sound of the strapping! Too bad. That, and Max has too many clothes on 😉

  2. Well, after the negativity of he last comment, I seriously hope I can redress the balance! It looks as though friend John has only seen the video trailer. I’d just say, get full membership, mate and watch the full video. It is a real treat – and as one and all know who read my comments, if I think something isn’t all I’d like it to be, I don’t hesitate to say so – though I hope with due regard for the feelings of those involved.

    This is young Terry’s second encounter with the big hunky Max if memory serves me correctly, so the lad is going to be under no illusions as to exactly what he’s in for – though the last time we saw Max spanking Terry, it was an old-fashioned smacked bottom with the hand and Terry laid over Max’s knee. Not a soft option by any means, but just a rather different punishment from feeling the lick of the strap across the bum!

    As Terry kneels on the sofa in a position associated by those of a religious outlook among us with an attitude of penitence, and submits to his punishment, his bottom just looks stunningly smackable, curved over as he is, in those close-fitting, wrinkle free blue jeans shorts! What a great piece of spanking kit! And then the moment comes for them to be taken down – that delicious few seconds before the shorts are unzipped and we find out what colour underpants Terry is wearing. At first I just thought, “Oh NO, Terry, NO! Not you! NOT white boner-killers!” OYGSH!* And then I realised that what I thought were a pair of white grandad briefs were in fact just a very light shade of faun. Relief! If you do have any white briefs in your pants-drawer, Terry, please leave them there, eh? There’s a good lad!

    I love watching Max at work and seeing the unique discipline style he brings to dealing with naughty boys! And from the gleam in his eye – almost psychotically sadistic, haha! – he clearly enjoys the task of disciplining Terry! And from Terry’s reactions to his punishment, it is clear that this severe strapping – and it is severe! – is doing what a hiding should do to a boy! BBFC need to hang onto Max as a top! he’s a real FIND – I can’t wait to see him in action again!

  3. I just thought I’d comment quickly on the vital stats of Terry’s strapping.

    Strokes over his shorts 233
    Strokes over his underpants 178
    Strokes across his bare bottom 207
    TOTAL smacks 608

    We have certainly seen smackings of longer duration on BBFC many times, but where this punishment might be shorter it doesn’t half make up for it in severity – as Terry’s very vocal reactions cleary demonstrate!