BBFC: Terry Late

BBFC: Terry Late

Terry is late and Teodor is far from happy. He has been waiting long enough to get the paddle ready to deal with the tardy lad. Once he comes in he is over the table and getting a paddling in short order.


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A few swats on the shorts to start things off then on to his blue briefs to up the pace. Looking far from happy Terry takes it well as he knows he is in the wrong.


The bare ass paddling finishes off this lesson in time keeping for the lad. I wonder if it will make any difference this time.


2 Responses to BBFC: Terry Late

  1. Similarly to Sergio, young Terry is a big favourite with me and I know amidst the uncertainties and changes of this transitory world that I can say for certain that I will never ever tire of watching him getting spanked!

    Unlike Sergio, however, who really does look like a naughty boy, and who very clearly needs a good smacked bottom on a regular basis, I would not have had Terry written down as a naughty lad. He has a quiet, almost studious air about him – but then, as I am, of course, aware with boys of my own acquaintance, it almost invariably turns out to be the quiet ones you have to watch!

    This is Terry at his most super-spankable, dressed in shorts and a singlet, looking quite athletic and yet casual at the same time. And it is that casualness that he obviously displays in areas other than his wardrobe that has got the young scamp into trouble this time – and you can see by Teodor’s face that it is going to be Trouble with a great big capital T! as he is bent over the table to have some strict discipline laid on!

    Singlet pushed out of the way, the waistband of Terry’s underpants is revealed and for a moment my heart sinks! NO, Terry, not you! I think – surely not white boner-killers! I needn’t have worried as things turn out! Terry’s trousers are taken down to reveal a pair of Calvin Klein briefs – and a great shade of blue to wear for a spanking! It is only the designer waistband that is white – potential disappointment over! CK seem to have the knack of making underpants that, whatever shape or size a boy is, they are always a perfect fit! The most reliable spankingwear ever! And because of Terry’s preferences in underpants, we get the rare treat on any spanking website of a boy being smacked in briefs – coloured briefs what’s more! ILOVEIT!!!

    The lad’s discomfort at his punishment show in his face, and his attempts to rub the pain away from his buttocks – and then in his gasping and moaning as the hard, unyielding wood of the ping-pong bat begins to be laid on across the seat of his briefs! As these, too, are pulled down, we can see that Teodor’s firm approach to discipline is producing a nice pink glow that is spreading all around Terry’s pallid and very bare bottom, the true sign of how much a spanker knows his job! And there’s no doubt whatever that Teodor is pretty expert when it comes to dealing with wayward young lads!

    Terry beats a hasty retreat, looking very sorry for himself indeed! And well the young rascal might! My word!

    I wonder just how many boys down the decades have got home late to a father waiting up with a belt, slipper or other instrument of correction to tan their arses! And yet the message doesn’t seem to get through to them down the generations as you’d think it might! Perhaps that is a happy circumstance for us, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to watch these wonderful scenes!

    • I can remember being a 19 year old tank top wearing brat, coming home late and drunk, thinking I was an invincible alpha male because I was wearing a singlet/vest/tank top (and it was the middle of winter so I was wearing a tank top simply to show off and flex). The strapping that I received upon arriving home in my tank top was as embarrassing as it was painful.