BBFC: Stevie Paddled

BBFC: Stevie Paddled

A requested clip by AC from Cz. Stevie is kneeling in the corner waiting for the paddling he knows he has coming. He is pensive and looks a little worried. Taken by the ear to the couch he has to kneel there and take his paddling.




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He gets a good warm up on the skinny jeans and has a bit of a struggle to get them off quickly. Back in position in his underwear he gets more strokes of the paddle, his face shows he is worried about things as they go on.






Then he has to take off these black boxers and get a bare ass paddling, his first. and now we start to see why he is worried, he is getting hard. His cute little butt is starting to take on a good colour as he is paddled.







Its not too long before he has to let go and he cums as his ass is tanned. It seems we have another Philip here, a lad who gets a lot out of a spanking. A super clip with new lad Stevie.






2 Responses to BBFC: Stevie Paddled

  1. This is just an incredible clip! Starting off with a very traditional kind of pre-punishment scenario, reminiscent of school discipline, with young Stevie kneeling in the corner, facing the wall, hands on his head – and with a bit of time to think about what’s coming to him, always a good thing for a boy to have a chance to do before he gets his bottom smacked!

    And YGSH!,* what a bottom Stevie has to smack! Small and pert and not too prominent – very much a teenboy’s bottom and perfect for spanking! And beautifully enhanced by the fading, well-worn black jeans and the angle at which he is made to bend forward as he kneels on the sofa in a traditional attitude of penitence – in this case penitence for being naughty. He doesn’t look that sorry at first – in fact he has the truculent expression of a real brat as he kneels in the corner. And what better to knock that out of him but Tony’s paddle. I listened to the clip through my headphones and boy, did the smacks being laid on across Stevie’s bum sound LOUD!

    The great moment for me finally comes when Stevie has to take his trousers off to get smacked on his underpants – revealing a deliciously clingy pair of black Calvins! Perfect spankingwear! In fact, they look as though a delegation of spanker has gone to Calvin Klein and asked them “Design us a pair of boxer-briefs for a boy to wear for a spanking!” Short and seamless and one of my favourite colours for punishment underpants! And offering very scant protection from the stinging strokes of the paddle!

    The best bit of the whole clip, for me, however, just has to be when Stevie, kneeling stark naked except for his socks (always a turn-on for me!), having I think possibly struggled against arousal, finally gives into it! Seeing his cock gradually getting harder and standing up more on end is one of the most amazing sights I have ever seen on BBFC!! And when the inevitable conclusion is reached – oh my ears and whiskers!!! I don’t think there is any sensation under the sun quite like coming while your getting your bottom smacked – that ecstatic shudder combined with the feeling of smarting buttocks!!! OWW!! WOWWW!!! I couldn’t help thinking that Stevie looks a bit ashamed and embarrassed afterwards, but need he feel that way? Wasn’t he just allowing his young body and teenage libido to yield to their natural impulses?! I remember the last time (at 18) I was laid over the knee and smacked (not my last spanking but the last one for which I was laid across the knee). I was trying on a new pair of speedos I’d bought – very brief and made of clingy black nylon! PHWOOARR!! I suddenly just got the mother and father of all boners and – well, as it does with young lads, one thing led to another. My guardian happened to burst into my room, clearly on a disciplinary mission, so getting caught in flagrante didn’t help. He bent me very unceremoniously over his knee, calling me all the names under the sun, and started to smack my arse really hard – the last thing a boy needs who is on the verge of ejaculating! The inevitable result was a hot sticky mess all over Uncle’s lap which just infuriated him!! And the consequence for me was to be dragged downstairs to the dining-room and bent over the table for the leathering of my life with the belt! On my cum-soaked swimming-briefs to start with then across my naked buttocks! I lost count of the strokes after a while but it was a hiding well worthy of BBFC! And yes, I did sleep on my tummy that night – with only a thin sheet over me to avoid too much pressure on the affected area! So yes – I don’t think Stevie is to be censured for a natural reaction to being punished – and it isn’t as if we haven’t seen it before, especially with young Philip, who specialises in such wonderfully priapic ‘responses’ to discipline! If I weren’t already a BBFC member that moment alone would have been worth the membership fee!

    I’m sorry I didn’t manage to do my usual smack count yet, Tony. I’ll see to it and report back!

    * Ye gods of Spankers’ Heaven!

  2. Well, I guess we all now know what the ‘C’ stands for in BBFC