BBFC: Philip Slipped Up

BBFC: Philip Slipped Up

Philip had been quite good for a few days and wasn’t due a spanking but he couldn’t keep it up and finds himself called in for an impromptu OTK session.



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The rough and ready look of the clip shows the spontaneity of this spanking, he took us by surprise by misbehaving. A start on the trackies is followed by a good spanking on the red underwear, which are figure hugging as always with Philip.






As he messed up he looks very sheepish as his rear end receives a message in behaviour. His bare butt is great to see spanked, its good that he was made both naughty and having a great ass, a great combination .





One Response to BBFC: Philip Slipped Up

  1. Oh my ears and whiskers! What a start to my morning!! To see my favourite little BBFC monkey laid over Tony’s knee for a good old-fashioned traditional spanking! I actually just looked at the first three stills on Jock Spank then headed straight over to BBFC and watched the whole video before coming back here!

    I’ve been having a bit of a difficult time lately, so watching young Philip getting a smacking that just ticked all my boxes – and then some! – really put me in a better frame of mind than I’ve been in most of the week. The well-fitting tracksuit-bottoms were a great start but then when he took them down…oh, ye gods of Spankers’ Heaven! I had not seen the JS stills at this point so I didn’t know what colour underpants Philip was wearing and when I found out – boy! did I very nearly lose control (know what I mean??)!! I don’t know if this particular pair are a new addition to Philip’s already nicely stocked pants-drawer but I hope it isn’t the last time we see him in them – they’re just perfect spankingwear! Brief, tight briefs and a great colour into the bargain! I always think red is a marvellous colour for punishment underpants because in a way it is rather symbolic of a naughty boy’s bottom that has been well-reddened from being smacked! One of the things I enjoy about watching Philip being disciplined is that, unlike a lot of boys his age, especially here in the UK, he doesn’t mind wearing briefs rather than boxers and I really do find that for me they frame a boy’s bottom best for a spanking. I lost count of the smacks over Philip’s underpants after 300, but I reckon it must have been around the 500 mark before Tony moved on to the bare-bottom phase of the punishment. I love the camera angles, particularly those shot from behind the lad and just to his right – the optimum angle for showing off how spankable a boy’s bottom is!

    Philip as ever, takes his smacking quietly, like a big brave boy, but his face tells you plenty – as does the rapidity with which he pulls up his pants and trackies after his punishment! And the look of hurt injustice as he walks away shows that he is suffering as he ought to be. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m glad he doesn’t seem to be capable of being a good lad for more than a few days. If he was, we’d be forever deprived of one of the most fantastic sights this side of Spankers’ Heaven! A bottom like that belongs to the world!!