BBFC: Meet Radek

BBFC: Meet Radek

Radek wanted to come a couple of weeks ago but got delayed. Now he is here Teodor is going to give him a warm welcome. Bending him over the kitchen counter he starts the session off with a warm-up on the trousers.


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This is to give the lad some idea of what’s to come, although Radek may have a surprise for Teodor in that department. Next is the black boxers, we told him no white ones for the first session, and the look on his face says that this is a little more than he expected. By the time he gets his boxers down there is definitely something going on with Radek.

As Teodor deals with the spanking Radek is pretty close to being in the zone, he has to play with his dick now and then as his ass gets warmer. This excited lad seems to have gotten a lot from this first session, next time we will have to see if we can get him all the waty there. A great debut for Radek



4 Responses to BBFC: Meet Radek

  1. Radek is cute 🙂

  2. Avatar Dr van Spanking
    Dr van Spanking says:

    A great debut session with yet another errant new boy being bent over for a good smacked bottom!

    I am glad he was told no white underpants for the first session, and I’m sorry, but I think it needs to be no white underpants for ANY session, especially when a boy looks as spankable in coloured underpants as young Radek does in his, dark coloured and the perfect length for discipline! Great choice for spankingwear and to be encouraged!

    Having seen Radek bent over to be smacked, I do hope that in the next video we see him in, he’ll be laid over the knee!

  3. Avatar Dr van Spanking
    Dr van Spanking says:

    Incidentally, I didn’t ask, but I’m dying to know what the reasoning is behind Radek being told not to wear white underpants for his first smacking!

  4. Aptly named, Radek (a Czech diminutive for compound Slavic names’ element meaning willing or happy) is the pleasingly-perky puerile product of plentifold-posterior-pained ‘positive education’ in a servicemen family, raised to readily respond ‘Yes, Sir’ or ask ‘How (high …), Sir?’ whenever a better’s instructions are unpractically unprecise, ‘No’ being no option unless clearly expected (often rhetorically) by his betters, backtalk being the ultimate mortal sin at home, and wherever he’s entrusted to stern men ‘loco parentis’, standard-CP-authorized ad-lib with the explicit advise ‘in case of doubt, spank on the bare’.
    Being a cheerful, sporting optimist, utterly used to undressed, upended starts and ends of almost anything all his life, the strapping stripling stud going naked over father’s knee both before ‘to remind him to behave’ wherever he goes (including his ‘soundly-spanking’ school and sports teams), and again returning home, to arse-ascertain what CP he received and confess (usually doubling verbal or written reports, like his school agenda) why he utterly deserved it and gets at least double from dad, who warmly welcomes any externally-executed ‘warm-up’ to domestic discipline, generally worse on his humblehound-heinie, chore standards being systematically raised to assure the twink toils his tail off thriftily time and time again, but(t) has it tender-tanned timely by three-tail-tawse for not doing even better, Radek really respectfully, receptively resigned to regularly receiving radiantly-red-raw-reddening ‘rascal-rearing’, reeping ravishing results, counting himself lucky to steadily turn into a healthy, athletic, attitude-adjusted A-student, plainly prepared to pay plenty of posterior-paining-prices and piously praying his private-parts-privacy-privated pleasingly-pantsed person provides his posterior-punishers properly-parallel paternalistic pleasure.
    Although obviously destined for officers academy, Radek was first patriarchally scheduled last-minute for an overseas engineering major and strategic language courses, without working out college particulars in due detail, so he could only produce his matriculation required for the military-sponsored House fee with a regrettable delay of weeks, which infuriates Teodor as per his own standard contract, designed to yield bonus-boons in the many instances knaves stay longer, the House is missing out on half a month, something senior Sir never fails to take out on the knave’s naked nates nastily.
    So instead of simply catching up with regular hazing, he’ll be passed on from senior to senior for a full hell month over and over again for umpteen utterly-upendings most of the year, thereafter each junior gets him as interim-senior a week each. Given his engineering expertise, he’s also assigned appropriate additional renovation chores, alone or assisted by other juniors, any of whose faults his frockless fanny will feel flogged as forcefully. After puerile participants particularly-pleasing practice-punishments, permitted to pants the perky pup and pound his privates-privacy-privated posterior pain-purpler, everyone looks forward to their trouserless-twink-tush-torment-turns, and respectfully-ragless-rascal-rear-red-raw-ravaged Radek really feels at home, the main difference being all these foreign fellows act alike amply and ably agonizing his absolutely-abjectly-always-and-anywhere-available adolescent-aspirant-arse, adults and avidly-assisting ‘academics’, as firmly-flailing father-figures, so the patriarch can spare himself the expense to pay someone to give him maintenance CP, hopefully enough for some holiday masterclass courses.