BBFC: Meet Johan

BBFC: Meet Johan

Johan is no ordinary spankee, there is a lot more to this lad than you think. Walking in a stripping down to his boxers he is ready for the spanking. He does a really great session here, starting with the cane, which brings up some lovely stripes, then that is followed by the paddle.



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WARNING: This video is more severe than we usually see from BBFC – Viewer discretion is recommended

This has him jumping around and clutch his ass. Finally he gets a set with the bat and that really makes an impression on him. Then the surprise interview afterwards. He says he enjoyed the session, he also remarks that ithurt a lot of course.


But Johan is a lad who knows he needs to pay for his actions, he calls it a ” reset ”. He comes along to pay for his misdeeds and make himself face his errors. A wonderful debut for



4 Responses to BBFC: Meet Johan

  1. Does anyone know how I can contact bbfc directly?

  2. Nice interview at the end. These things add a lot to a clip (for me). Be interesting to see him expound in his own words on the role of cp in his life as an adult.

  3. I have to say, I’ve got to be totally honest and admit that I haven’t been quite so sure about this new direction BBFC has taken. It’s not that I’m squeamish about severe corporal punishment – I have made the point many times on social media that spankings need to hurt, otherwise there is very little point in them other than the spanker’s own gratification. I guess it’s just that, on aesthetic grounds I’m not particularly into bare-bottom spankings – smacking on underpants and very short shorts is my thing!

    However, this recent episode with young Johan has quite a different feel about it! This drop-dead gorgeous young lad ticks all my boxes – handsome, youthful features, slender, boyish and yet athletic build, and the most pert, cheeky little bottom! And above all else, the patterned boxer-briefs that he reveals when he is taking his track-suit bottoms off show him to be an absolutely committed wearer of coloured underpants! As it happens, the short, tight boxers are just the perfect length to frame Johan’s bum (as he himself refers to that portion of his anatomy during the interview) for discipline! The colour is perfect – navy-blue, my second all-time favourite colour for spankingwear! And the pants themselves make me think of a sort of boxer-briefs version of the briefs that young Philip wore to be laid over Tony’s knee in the scenario I scripted for the lad some years ago, ‘Just what the Doctor ordered!’ (*See below.)

    Johan strips down to his boxer-briefs with alacrity, sliding them down most provocatively! I especially appreciated him displaying his uberspankable rear-view as he did so! He has an equally provocative and disciplined way of bending over into a favourable posture for a thrashing, which suggests that he has ‘been there before’. He takes the first nine stinging strokes of the cane well!  But then he starts reacting very dramatically to the punishment – clearly he knows how to ‘tread the boards’ a bit! I can’t help finding that him jumping about and rubbing his smarting bottom in the frantic manner he does is a massive turn-on that just makes this film for me – there are some great shots of his rear-view as he bounds about in his underpants, his impudent young face distorted with pain! I’m quite amazed at the spanker’s tolerance in this video, as he lays the spanking-paddle across Johan’s cheeky arse – the way he allows Johan to straighten up and rub his bum between almost every SMACK! and even keep pulling his pants up! I would under no circumstances permit that to happen, nor would I allow the bad language the boy comes out with – he seems to grow increasingly foul-mouthed towards the end of his punishment. All my Naughty Boys know that it is an extra three for a swearword and an extra six for blasphemy – it tends to be quite a deterrent as none of my lads ever wants to have to take more than he knows he is getting already!

    One thing mildly surprises me, and I’m betting I’m not the only one asking myself this question. During the interview after the video, Johan professes to have enjoyed his punishment (despite his lacerated bottom – a few more strokes of that cane I reckon would have laid the skin of the lad’s backside wide open!). Normally when a boy is being smacked on his underpants, there is plenty of evidence going on at the front of them of the effect the spanking is having! Not so with this lad at all. Whereas if I’d had a caning and a spanking like he receives in this video when I was his age, my cock would have been standing on end like Dubai’s Burj Khalifa! Anyone else wondering the same?

    I’ll just finish by saying that one thing I’d love to see would be Johan laid over the knee getting his bottom smacked, preferably wearing the same underpants that he is wearing in this video. Any chance that could be arranged, BBFC?

    *Philip in Just what the Doctor ordered