BBFC: Maxim OTK – and More

BBFC: Maxim OTK – and More

Maxin has to report for a spanking and finds himself OTK. Wearing only striped boxers he looks really good and Teodor lays it on well. But there’s obviously something going on that only Teodor can see, or feel.


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So when the lad stands up to drop his underwear and his semi hard dick bounces out we see what Teodor knows. To counter this he gets Maxim into the wheelbarrow position and gives him the rest of the spanking that way.


Maxim looks a little out of condition as he struggles to stand at arms length in the position. Mind you at the end when he is leaving it looks like Teodor has spanked the hardness out of him. *

2 Responses to BBFC: Maxim OTK – and More

  1. Oh, my stars and moon!

    Yet another luscious young spankable laid over the knee to get his bottom smacked – and on his underpants, and nothing else! PHWOOARRR!!!

    I love striped underpants for a couple of reasons! One is that they do have a way of bringing out the roundness of a boy’s bottom, as they definitely do with young Maxim! The other is that if you’re caning or strapping a boy, they give you a set of really good targets at which to aim your instrument of punishment! And that is seriously boner-making experience talking!

    And talking of boners – well, we really don’t have to say much more here, do we?! This is something we’re seeing more of and it is certainly a development I welcome! It is the cat’s ass to see nature taking its course in this way and I’m amazed we don’t see it more frequently! Let’s hope that a boy’s cock standing on end as a result of the discipline he is receiving becomes a regular feature of BBFC films! It is a true reflection of reality for a lot of young lads when they are being punished!

    Teodor might well have spanked the hardness out of Maxim, but has he spanked the naughtiness out of him? I have to be honest and say that I truly hope not – however, time will tell…

  2. Avatar Fastifex
    Fastifex says:

    Even though as always, I long for English dialogue rendering and a plot,
    Maxim seems (un)dressed for the occasion and mounts the master’s lap so meekly, in both positions, I’m assuming he agrees he had it coming for some foppish fault or flaw.
    I that case, we can only envy Teodor the noble task of taming the taunting teen thoroughly through total-tractability-training trouserless-tail-torment, the time-honoured technique of teaching teens through tush-thrashings-terror.