BBFC: Matthew Wheelbarrow

BBFC: Matthew Wheelbarrow

Teodor is not noted for his patience and Matthew has tried that too far. So Having decided to teach the lad a good lesson and heighten the experience he tells Matthew to get into the wheelbarrow position.


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This is a great way to paddle any lad as they have to tense up to stay there and their ass is nice and tight no matter what they are wearing. The paddle works its magic on Matthews shorts and black boxers before the bare ass lad gets the lesson.


Matthew has a super ass at the best of times but in the wheelbarrow it’s even better, smooth and muscular. The paddle has a great target and lad takes it well., no wonder he is up and off at the end forgetting his clothes. For all fans of the wheelbarrow this is a must have and with Matthew its top of the list. .


2 Responses to BBFC: Matthew Wheelbarrow

  1. I got to say this is how you do the wheelbarrow position CORRECTLY! The models legs should wrap around the spankers body and the models bottom should be pushed towards the spankers lap (not too far out) this is a far more EROTIC set-up rather than having the spankee too far from away from the spanker.

    This is the perfect implementation of the WHEELBARROW POSITION. 98% of the time most studios (including this one) get it wrong but in my opinion this is how to implement said position PERFECTLY!

    Even the leg placement is spot on… 👌🏻

    Ps. I am not a huge fan of this position but it is more “erotic” when done in such a way.

  2. While Teodor’s type of eminently-experienced educators evidently enormously enjoys educating examplarily by eerily-exposed-extremity-endurance, once in a while one gets actually affectionately attached to an academically, attitude-wise and athletically admirable all-AAs adolescent like Matthew.
    Business being brutal butt-beating-business, this best-behaved beaut-boy being bluntly still unable to cover his crucial costs-contribution from research royalties yet, Teodor must keep helping the clever cutie earn his financially-fullfilling frats-council film fees for foppish frockless-fanny-flailing-followed foolery by gruesomely-good gruelling the glorious globes glowing-grilled.
    Only by now, frequently filial-fools-fannies-flailing father figure strict Sir is near meaning the customary cruel lie “It hurts me more then you” adding improper insult to a squirming spankee’s sorrily-sore-swatted-stripped-seat-sufferance, as it actually hurts him too to see such swell, smart, superbly-submissive student-squirt’s sufferance…
    So the sweetie-spankee’s sufferer-stand switches semi-subtly, sparing Sir the sight of sufferance-strirred facial frowns, substituting the obediently-ongoing-ordeal-offered-orbs OTK with the wheelbarrow, helpfully heed-hiding his humbly-hanging hurdies-hided-hottie-head, holding his hunky-he-hood higher-still, alas requiring more muscular meekly-man-mounds-mounting-strain to maintain a penitential position at pain of posterior-pain-purple-plus-pounding for perfectly-perilously-presented-progressively-pantsed-posterior-position-perversion.
    Anyway, the adorable anti-assinine adolescent actually appreciates the attention and intention intensely-enough to ask the able and ample arse-agonizer to be spanked in wheelbarrow rather then over Teodor’s knee by default, just as he had done at home and on visits whenever giddily genitals-groped as great gift to such globes-gruelling kin.