BBFC: Mason Paddled

BBFC: Mason Paddled

Mason is in trouble again and this time he has just arrived home and finds himself ass up OTK getting a paddling.


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Wearing trackies he thinks he has got off lightly but they have to come down and his boxers offer no protection, they do look very hot stretched over his small butt though.


Then that is followed by a bare ass paddling, which all lads need regularly as we all know. But with lads like Mason its something that could be administered daily and he would still be a brat. A good paddling clip with Mason .



2 Responses to BBFC: Mason Paddled

  1. WOW!!! I’m gobsmacked! (As opposed to bum-smacked like young Mason, haha!) This spanking transported me to the sublimest realms of Spankers’ Heaven!

    Mason has a superbly cheeky and smackable bottom and it was delicious in previous clips to watch him being spanked across the seat of those tight denim cut-offs, sliced off a pair of jeans to make short shorts that were perfect for smacking! However, I was starting to wonder if he was one of those fortunately rare boys who insist on always wearing just white boner-killers as underpants! I have, thankfully, only ever known two such lads and it was good to find out this morning that Mason isn’t one of that type! As I watched Tony’s hard spanking paddle descending across the seat of Mason’s jogging-bottoms, I found myself thinking, ‘Please, PLEASE, Mason, no white boner-killers under those!’

    I needn’t have worried! As Mason’s trackie-bottoms came down, I found myself thinking, ‘Oh, YES!’ as the lad’s bottom was revealed clad in a pair of tight navy-blue boxer-briefs, the perfect length and colour for spankingwear!* They are not only my second-favourite colour for spankingwear after royal-blue, but they are the perfect length to frame young Mason’s bottom for the hard discipline that Tony is laying on with the totally inflexible and unyielding wood of the paddle! Clearly, Mason’s pants-drawer does contain treasures, and he has obviously decided to put one of said treasures on for today’s spanking! This particular pair of coloured underpants are very reminiscent of a pair of boxer-briefs that young Austin Cook of Sting was wearing when, role-playing a naughty schoolboy, he was summoned to the headmaster’s study, where he was made to bend over for his first ever thrashing across his bum with a school cane! He also wore them, if my memory serves me correctly, to be laid over Rich O’Shea’s knee for a good spanking! And very spankable he looked, indeed! The very similar pair Mason is wearing in today’s clip could have been designed as punishment underpants, especially designed to wear for a spanking!

    I love the fact that, when Mason had such smackable-looking briefs on, that Tony laid him over his knee to spank him! Because it is the only position in which justice could have been done to how spankable those short, tight boxers made the lad look! A friend of mine and fellow-spanker in the States reckons that when a boy is spanked with the paddle he should, in fact, be made to bend over, because being laid across the knee tends to inhibit the spanker’s swing somewhat! As an experienced bottom-smacker myself, I would tend to agree from a practical point-of-view; standing behind a bent-over boy allows the spanker’s arm a wide, sweeping swing that can enable the laying on of very severe punishment – and that is true for other instruments of discipline, especially the cane, the belt and the leather strap! However, sometimes I think the aesthetics of spanking are as important as the physical pain being inflicted through the chastisement! And there is no doubt whatever that Mason being laid over the knee was in this case the most favourable position for the smacked bottom he was given, from the standpoint of appearances! 

    Mason’s very bare bottom colours up nicely under the not-so-tender caresses of the spanking- paddle! When the boy is finally allowed to straighten up off Tony’s knee and pull his briefs up over his smarting backside, Tony lands one final SMACK! across the seat of the lad’s underpants, a final reminder to him that he can be laid over the knee for a skelped arse any time and an appropriately spanky way to dismiss him! The young rascal scampers from the room with as good a reason as any well-spanked young lad might have!

    Next time Mason is naughty and needs to be disciplined for it, I wonder if we might see him spanked wearing those same boxer-briefs under his denim cut-off shorts? And it would be interesting to see him made to bend over, as much as I thoroughly enjoy watching him being spanked over the knee!

    * ‘spankingwear’: A friend and brother-in-spanking has suggested to me that I might like to clarify this term, of which I am the proud originator. It refers to the underpants worn by a boy while getting his bottom smacked! It can also refer to short shorts (especially if a lad is wearing no underpants) or swimming-briefs and swimming-trunks!

  2. Avatar Fastifex
    Fastifex says:

    At prayer times (all holy hours every day, clergy-custom-copy), pious puppy Mason thanks the Heavenly Father on naked knees for providing Biblical rules and Biblical love to gruesomely glowing-globes-grillings-guide stupidly-sinning, sirely-spankable squirts like himself by Biblefast betters blissfully baring and bountifully beating brat-butt blistered to busily better bad-boy/B-behavior brutally-brilliantly, and for creating his currish kind with cutely-complementary cone-sets: the facial ones blush and the bottom-end burns brightly, so no assinine adolescent can fail to bring all the essentials to learn a lava-lividly-licked lesson, for knaves are capable of forgetting/failing anything else, however well-warned what will wield a wretched worthless-worm-wise-wriggling wisely-wickedly-well-whooped.
    At many other times, less regular but(t) no less frequent, the Good Lord generously answers his pious penitent-puppy-prayers painfully-plentifully per prophetic pairs of pantless-posterior-punishments: in desperately-despondent devilkin-dreams by avenging angels agonizing the attritely-adoring adolescent’s absolutely-abject ass-arse atrociously afire, and awake in the guise of Tony and any adult Sir mandates devoutly-dutifully doing the very same, so he humbly hails a hell-hot-hit humblehound-heinie as heavenly-hurtful-&-helpful harsh-handling ‘here and hereafter’.
    Nevertheless, like this knave’s late father, strict Sir still insists to send his charge to weekly Catholic Bible class, where the curate (cumulating seven small parishes, to date) and/or his duly-dogma-didactics-and-derriere-discipline-deputized catechists never spare the rod (rulers regularly, freshly cut switches for serious ‘sinfulness’) on the bare to teach the trembling teens Truth (tedious theological theory) and technicalities (prayers, liturgy, canon law …) tenaciously through terribly-thorny trouserless-tush-terror. Mason already suffered and passed the whole course in his home parish before receiving from a bishop holy confirmation, which is a sacrament, once for life, nevertheless Tony has him repeat the whole course, after his new home one’s in each of the same curate’s other parishes the upcoming ‘upended for uplifting’ years!
    Crucially, each catechizer-chastizer clearly commits to communicate completely the customarily-CP-compliant catechumen-cur’s crimson-cones-cuts-castigation-causes, so the crossly-cursing custodian can copy-double the derriere-discipline-doses dispensed that day and the day after again as-bad at-home ‘acting angelically’, aptly and amply assuring the abundantly-ass-arse-agonized adolescent’s pious prayers pertain to proper periloulsy-presented-puerile-penitent-posterior-pain-purpling punishments for pious-pedagogical purposes as at paternalistic punisher-(dis)pleasure in past, present and previsible prospects, plenty of pitiless pain-purple-piety-painting parallel to plenty of pitiful prayers.