BBFC: Lefteris Gets the Carpet Beater

BBFC: Lefteris Gets the Carpet Beater

To be fair, as always, it is only right that Lefteris gets a taste of the carpet beater, Conrad had it the other day and it it is very effective with naughty lads.



Wearing black jeans and a shirt and tie he looks like butter wouldn’t melt, that’s far from the truth. Once over the table the carpet beater is laid on well and soon warms him up.


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That done he has to drop his trousers and get back down, seems like he got up in a hurry today as he has his underwear on inside out, but that’s not a problem they fit well, nice and tight.





This is just a prelude to a bare ass set and one that he has not looked forward to at all, he was warned that next time with be the carpet beater but he didn’t listen. That little grimace on his face as he leaves the room says it all about the carpet beater .





One Response to BBFC: Lefteris Gets the Carpet Beater

  1. I think this is young Lefteris at the most spankable we have seen him so far. He looks very young and so naughty in school uniform and the combination of those light-blue briefs (proper brief briefs,too!) and fading black jeans is a turn-on dreamed up in Spankers’ Heaven!

    Lefteris looks particularly spankable bending over the table in his blue knix, particularly since he seems to have chosen to bend over further than he did before he took his trousers down! All adding to the thrill of a spanking which he is unlikely to forget in a hurry – as I’ve remarked before, the carpet-beater is a truly awesome instrument of punishment, and when you’ve been spanked with one, boy, do you know you’ve been spanked! It really is like having your bottom thrashed with a whole lot of different canes at once, landing from all different directions!

    What slightly surprised me, given that fact and also that Tony definitely seems to be tanning Lefteris’ backside fairly hard was that, when the moment came that he had to take his briefs down and bare his bum for the final stage of his punishment, his buttocks looked relatively unscathed by the strokes of the carpet-beater – not at all what I would have expected. Clearly the skin of his bottom is as tough as boot-leather! However, no boy’s bare bottom remains uncoloured when the carpet-beater is applied to it and Lefteris proves to be no exception.

    The carpet-beater, like the birch, is something of an H-bomb amongst the arsenal of Weapons of Ass Destruction and it really is great to see this amazing implement of discipline get the airing it has recently! I wonder what is next for this naughty young rascal? Can we perhaps hope for the cane?