BBFC: Krystof Tardy

BBFC: Krystof Tardy

It was a simple thing to do, have a quick shower and get ready for filming. But Krystof has turned it into a major event, a good long shower and then a lot of preening. Dimitri is impatient not only to get on filming but use the bathroom.


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By the time Krystof emerges he’s not a happy man. Grabbing the lad he marches him off and gets him standing against the fridge where he sets about a lesson in time keeping. The towel he is wearing is soon off and his freshly showered ass is getting a good spanking.


Krystof has that look that says he knows he should have got his act together and been ready sooner. No wonder at the end of the session he is looking very downhearted.



3 Responses to BBFC: Krystof Tardy

  1. Who could not like this flawless teenage heartthrob? And the scenery is sweet: a dad, who simply does, what he considers necessary. 🙂

  2. Beautiful lad!

  3. Far from fully-faithful Catholic Krystof to question his betters’ wisdom (‘Give to Caesar …’), least of all when they take the time and trouble to teach troublesome, thickhead … teens lasting (lower-limbs-long-limping) life lessons by spanking (and ‘stripping-off silly squirt stupidity’ as strict Sir sometimes snears), he feels bountifully blessed by bared-brat-bottom-black-and-blue-battering betters -besides blistered bubble-butt-burning brightly- being ‘Biblically loved’ like so often having had his humble-hound-hindquarters helplessly-heightened and hurtfully hided ‘helpfully’ at home, yet can’t help wondering worshipfully why the Sirs won’t work-out wiser-still ways to work-together woefully working-over whippersnappers’ waywardness.
    Only yesterday (again, as on many even days), Dimitri lined-up his laundry-deposit-shift starkers to be strap-flogged fiercely for throwing too many clothes, too often, in the laundry baskets and made them put that day’s back on their awefully-aching-adolescent-arses again. Today, Teodor thundered (also again, as on many odd days) such shamelessly-stinking skunks should strip stat to suffer a seriously-‘sound’ strapping, shower, submit to secondary spanking OTK and smarten-up swell-sightly same as Sir, who singled-out from the shivering sorrily-sore-swatted-seats-shaking squad sweetie Krystof to stand by him at a Saturday sports event where they shall suggest (sell?) the strict house’s services to sporting primary-pupils’ parents as potential prospective ‘proteges’. He still would have preened perfectly pre-Dimitri without Teodor’s ‘turd-teen-tail-tanning-time’, and now knows this ‘tardy-teen-tush-torment’ means barely meeting Teodor in time, which isn’t good enough for strict Sir, so he’ll be flogged for that again as they return, no more his own fault then having to put these best clothes in the laundry tomorrow, on Dimitri’s watch, guaranteed more gruesome-globes-grilling, and again if Teodor sees him wearing them ‘still’ (in fact again), or if he doesn’t for stinking, probably also strapped at school …
    Unlike most laundry-mates, he really doesn’t mind learning lessons as ‘lowly loutish lad’ the hapless-humblehound-hiney-hiding hard way, but(t) surely the life-lesson can’t be life isn’t fair, not even lavish-licking-learned lessons last longer then the next better’s shift?!