BBFC: Evzen Paddled

BBFC: Evzen Paddled

Disturbing the peace and quiet that Teodor is enjoying while he tries to work is not the best idea that Evzen has had. He is new but that’s no excuse for ban manners and Teodor has to set the lad on the straight and narrow. The best way to do this is to warm the lads ass’ and a paddling with the ping pong bat is just the way to do it.


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Teodor lays it on well and even though the lad is wearing jeans at the start and has some protection with his boxers by the time we see his bare as it is glowing nicely.



This is the first paddling for Evzen and he reacts as you expect to the shock. By the look of it this might be the lesson he needs to behave in the future.



5 Responses to BBFC: Evzen Paddled

  1. Avatar flashgordon
    flashgordon says:

    Evzen should be spanked soundly for wearing such ugly jeans!

    As for Teodor himself: look at his own trousers towards the end of the preview clip above. Is it just me that thinks he looks as if he’s enjoying his task a lot more than is proper? He’d better watch out! There was a suggestion last week that Dimitri should give Teodor “a bare bottom spanking he wouldn’t soon forget”. I dare say Dimitri reads these comments, and if Teodor’s not careful, Dimitri may see a perfect excuse to give the viewers what they want!

    • I am not bothered what his jeans look like as long as he has a nice butt – which he definitely does!!!

      • Avatar Bruce the bruiser
        Bruce the bruiser says:

        You nail it there! Had me at that! Even some look good in tight jeans! The sounds of hitting those tight jeans. They also hot going sexy young men.

  2. Having seen young Evzen laid over the knee for his first spanking, the next item on BBFC’s spanky agenda was very definitely to show the lad having to bend over to get his bottom smacked!

    Again, a winning combination for me – well-worn blue jeans and navy-blue boxer-briefs, the perfect follow-up for me to him wearing black boxers the first time he was spanked – both are my second and third favourite colours respectively for spankingwear! And once more, framing his well-rounded bottom beautifully for discipline! And when they are taken down, well, doesn’t his very bare bottom colour up SO nicely under punishment!

    The lesson Evzen needs to behave in the future, suggests the commentator…my word, I hope not!

  3. Most knaves are poor like their families or cut off while in the House, but(t) Evzen used to be the first kind until his ‘manifold male mounds manipulated escort’ past, which he started to save up for his studies, and wisely kept saving after bumping into (more to the point be bumped into back, over and over in and out of bed, and put OTK, by) sugar daddy, who puts up his college and House fees, so his kiddy became freely available, and he decided to spend part on small luxuries for himself and to make friends here and on campus. Teodor, who always encourages knaves earning their keep in school and House fees, feels as strongly all other knavish (earning for) spending is probably wasteful, the obvious only exception being the House’s joint treats fund, so when he overhears Evzen on the phone about transferring some of his savings closerby, senior Sir decides it’s wiser to organize a standing order to transfer the bulk of the hefty ‘suggar’ sum to a special House account in his bank in generous monthly installments, as long as Evzen is here, to be wisely invested by Matthew and Sergio as less then half would be spent. Since the knave stubbornly sticks to managing his own sugar pot, although a quizz by Matthew proves him a worse financial ignoramus then Dimitri, and his ‘broker’ a petty crook, so for his own as well as the common good, it’s Sir’s sirely sentence to cede said sums stat, securing the sensible sugar pot- security by such solid suite of super-strict stripped-seat-stinging spanking sessions as shall smash the ‘squanderbug-similar-stupid’ squirt’s stubbornness to slavish submission by scores of strap – and switch- swatted scarlet stripes sets.
    As a few veteran knaves suspect from experience, Teodor -unlike Dimitri- has an instinctive ‘paternal’ reluctance to lay on full-force fearsome implements that can really cut into meekly-mounted-male-mounds-meat meanly-miserably-deep, even with burly-built big brats (by-the-way bawling as bountifully as ‘baby boys’ being bare-balls-backside-battered bitterly blistered beyond bearable black and blue by brutally-beasting big boss), but(t) Evzen being a legal adult who chose to practice the oldest profession lifts that and Sir knows no nobler cause to ‘nastily nurture’ naked naughty knave nates then the financial health of the House, so he made best use of this state of affairs, assembling the boys to witness the worst whipping he ever wielded, Evzen proving a though nutt to crack -despite pitilessly pinching his privacy-privated private parts as positioning by pain- testing Teodor’s tenacity as truly-tireless trouserless-trembling-thrashee-tail-tender-tanner, though as trouserless-tush-training troops thornily.
    So systematically-sustained-stripped-spankings-smashed smithing stubborn selfconcience squealing, sobbing and squirming suffering super-sensitive-swatted-scarlet-seat-stripings starts slowly, surely subduing the squirt steadily from shyer, semi-servile, spanking-stop-supplications to satisfactory, simply-slavish submission seeming similar to the sweetest spankees satisfying Sir’s sovereign sentiments.
    Sirs smile and smirk super-satisfied seeing the smashing success of subversive-student-submission. Surrendering the sugardaddy-supplied-savings-sums and showing slavish submission, said ‘squirt’ student shall see Sir-supervised savings surge smartly, such as somewhat-sub-standard-studies shall surely succeeding spankings-steered.