BBFC: A Paddling for Dominic

BBFC: A Paddling for Dominic

Ryan is not a happy man, he has to wait for Dominic to arrive and that darkens his mood.

When the lad arrives the state of his jeans, torn jeans maybe fashionable but the dirty t-shirt is too much.


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Finding himself up against the wall and seeing Ryan with a paddle in his hand Dominic know exactly whats coming.





The way Dominic looks back over his shoulder all the time is so endearing and adds something special to all his clips. Paddled on his jeans and then his underwear the lad starts to look far from happy.




Dominic has a super little butt, one that needs to be spanked regularly, the bare butt paddling is just what he needs. A super paddling for Dominic .






2 Responses to BBFC: A Paddling for Dominic

  1. Not unlike my dad paddled me thru high school (infrequently) It was so common among my male classmates it was just a part of life to get your bare butt paddled or switched and we always knew who had gotten it when we showered in school——Actually unlike most others–my dad and i had a good relationship As odd as it sounds today—-it was just sort of expected that your dad had to give your bare butt a paddling every so often—-We farmed and worked very well together as well as doing alot of other good stuff together—hunting fishing etc——I can hear my dad say “\Well I have got to paddle you …some, but not too bad” Do ther rural baby boomers recall similar experiences????

  2. Avatar Doctor Caine
    Doctor Caine says:

    Dominic is very handsome with a cheeky pert perfect posterior.