Bailey’s Bath Brush Beating ….. Coming soon!

Oh that looks SORE!!

This Time Bailey is in BIG trouble!
Video Trailer

Mr X tells me this is the hardest spanking he has filmed so far!!

Coming soon from



11 Responses to Bailey’s Bath Brush Beating ….. Coming soon!

  1. Really can’t wait for this one. Bailey is a beaut!

    • Hey Scotty!

      Bailey really is a beaut! Just wait till you see this Beaut’s Botty Beaten!!


  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    He sure is.

  3. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Bad Boy Beaut Bailey’s bright blushing-bruised bottom’s beautiful.

  4. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Bailey is certainly the star of all spanking sites.His masculine good looks,great body and very beautiful bottom are now a daily viewing pleasure. Personally I found the hard,brush spanking a bit too much but I did so wish it was my hand smoothing the cream into his red cheeks. Does he do any private work in London, payment would be no object for the chance to spank and sooth that supurb bottom.
    Keep getting spanked please Bailey because we ( and Im sure I speak for your many fans world wide ) love you and your bottom XX

    • Hey! Don’t worry! Bailey will continue to get spanked and I can assure you that not all future spankings will be as severe as this one!

      As for private work, it’s not impossible! … you can email me on for more info….

    • Just to be clear, many of us are very fond of the severity of this brush spanking. 🙂

      In fact, it is why I just bought it, when I rarely buy pornography. 🙂

    • Hey Jacob,

      Thanks for the feedback! I have had a lot of requests for something more severe which is why I made this. It was important to me though that the back story justified the spanking and I think that was achieved…

      Anyway, it was the overall number one seller on Clips4Sale yesterday which is a big deal for a male spanking movie so it’s clear there is a market for it!

      I hope you enjoyed it and welcome to Straight Lads Spanked!


  5. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Bailey is hot but I would no way call him the spanking star of all sites thats an overstatement as I am sure many would agree. Brett Stevens (when he was in his prime not so much now) was a top hot star who had and still has a huge following and quite rightly so. There are many other studios with superb stars that easily match if not better Bailey (no offence inteneded)