A Franco Christmas Re-creation

The ever talented Franco has recreated the iconic Seasons Beatings Christmas card from the 1970s

A copy of the original

And a Merry Christmas to you all

You can view more of Franco’s Spanking Art by Clicking Here

4 Responses to A Franco Christmas Re-creation

  1. The Christmas recreation is SO great. That old image is one of my all-time favorites. Everything about it is hot. The old-timey-ness. The perfect, spankable butt. The expression on the boy’s face. His legs in the air…everything. And the Franco recreation is a perfect Christmas present. Thank you!!!!!

  2. Avatar hisroyalheinie
    hisroyalheinie says:

    Marvelous! Thank you, Franco!

  3. It’s okay to be fat when playing father Christmas.

  4. Love that third pic of those reddened buns, the out-stretched hand showing distress. Awesome! What a lucky bad boy!!