A Birthday message from the Magic Spanking Factory

A Birthday Message and a Free Gift from Stephen at the Magic Spanking Factory


A year ago today I opened the Magic Spanking Factory store at clips4sale. Thanks to our customers, we have been at the top position in the Spanking M/M category for 41 weeks out of the last year. On behalf of all the guys who star in the clips I would like to express our heart felt gratitude for your support and encouragement.

To show my appreciation I am giving away a clip free. The clip is sixteen minutes long, was actually filmed today and I think you will enjoy it very much. It stars the most popular of my guys, Jonathon.

I have uploaded the clip both to Sendspace* and Mediafire.

Take your pic and thanks again.

Clip at Sendspace *

 * See note at the bottom of this post regarding downloading from Sendspace

Jonathon thinks he’s too old to be spanked! ……. He’s not!

Tell Jonathon What you think:

Please let Jonathon know what you think of his clip please. The guys very much appreciate your comments. If you haven’t already done so take a look at some of the other amazing stuff sweet Jonathon gets up to by clicking HERE  (click on the green “Show all categories” to see his full range)

 To Download from Sendspace click on the blue bar towards the bottom of the screen as shown in the picture below:


Click to enlarge


4 Responses to A Birthday message from the Magic Spanking Factory

  1. Let me be the first to say Thank you!! The clip is awsome as usual and please let Jonathon know how much we love him. Your generous gifts over the years are much appreciated. Kudos to you!!

  2. Thank you very much. Jonathon will be able to read your message soon.

  3. Thanks Stephen, for that great clip. In a very greedy world, your gesture is doubly appreciated. And Jonathan, thank YOU so very much for being the brave young man that you are and submitting to very real punishment. Your great good looks – from head to toe – are complemented by that boyish good nature and your smile. What a great pair you and Stephen are together on screen.

    My sincere thanks to you both for some of the most entertaining and arousing adult material to be found on the internet.

  4. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Excellent free clip – thanks so much. love your clips.