A 1900 Birching in the Sting Members area

Continuing this week’s feast of Sting we have another update to the Sting Member’s area Featuring Brad and Dexter
The administration of physical discipline at the turn of the century was seen as the best answer to turn around a lad who had deviated from the straight and narrow. ​In the many intuitions set up to deal with young offenders​ the birch was a particular favourite tool .

In this video a young inmate (Brad) has not been performing his allotted task as expected. His report is very below average so the governor orders him to the punishment room.
On arrival he is ordered to strip by the warder in charge (Dexter) then given a hard over the knee spanking on his bare bottom.

This is just a warm up for the real punishment where he will be ordered to mount the birching pony and receive a long dose of the birch. This he does and the growing pain from each lash of this instrument burns and scorches his already spanked tender backside. 

The effect of salt water soaked birch twigs biting in to the lad’s bare bottom is scorching! This really is a 1900s Birching.
Links provided out of respect for sting’s intellectual ownership rights

5 Responses to A 1900 Birching in the Sting Members area

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I love it Sting 🙂 I’m not into the birtching but Dexter with a lad over his knee excites me. Pics are good gonna have load PC up now to download. – LM

  2. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I watched it was hot Dexter is a sexy spanker. I watched the Otk part only thing was that big brown horse was in the way of camera at times plus that room looks small. Ps is that guy Brad from back a few years ago in Stings clips. I got another clip with Dexter in other day my compliant is tho when they are spanking to ask the lad to stand up and remove there clothes as it’s better as more leg movent etc just abit of feedback

    • Hi Thanks for the feedback. Yes this is the same Brad who appeared in a number of Sting releases not long after they arrived in Prague. He’s recently returned after a break

    • I think the setting looks quite realistic for the story, it seems to fit the period quite well actually. Having a slightly smaller room is also quite authentic, not all punishment happens in a great hall after all. I think Sting should be complimented for coming up with new and interesting locations. (Unlike some studios which I won’t mention by name)

    • I do agree with you about Dexter though, he sure is sexy :}}