We haven’t seen Taavi for a while and that can mean only one thing, he has been up to no good. Lads like him are always doing something they shouldn’t or not doing something they should. So its always safest to work on the basis that he needs a spanking to be on the safe side.
Our lad comes in naked ready for a stern OTK session, being naked gives a feeling of vulnerability and as tops know that adds to the spanking experience. Taavi does look great OTK, his fuzzy little butt ideal for spanking anytime.
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A struggling and squirming brat over the knee says that the spanking was needed, he is protesting too much for an innocent guy proving that maintenance spankings work and are needed .
Like his grim, gruesomely-good-globes-grillings-given gramps, Taavi never saw the point in two- or three-tier- undressing during a spanking session, at home he nearly-always gets it straight away on (and mostly in) the bare, any clothed ‘warm-up’ is rather a waste of time (even his own) and effort (the latter being a minor boon insofar as it tires a tough thrasher’s tail-tanning arm), he and his dirt-poor village peers agree it’s a sinful waste to risk damaging good, costly cloth (even his warn-down rags wardrobe) when the proper purpose is to pitilessly-painfully punish piously-penitential-posterior-perilously-presenting naughty knaves, nor minds the home rule one only can cum (stirred by comeuppance or elsewise) when spilled seed isn’t soiling/spoiling anything valuable, which is why they don’t mind having to clense crowed cock & contaminated corpus in a cattle through (still) starkers afterward, coy-cupping-cured, cold catching-up in (countless) CP-cases with hell-hot-hit-hurting heinies, nobody minding knavish nakedness as if naughty-as-such, naturel is as natural as knaves needing nasty naked-nates-naughtiness-nurture.
Taavi being naughty nearly-always and rarely covering up CP-conductive currishness, constantly contracting conform CP, cocky-cur-considered ‘comfortable’ compared to hellishly-harsher home-hidings, he was getting well-used to the house-ways and feeling suspiciously spoiled ‘spared the serious rod’ himself before the matter of maintenance was mentioned maybe might mean him too. Honest-natured, no-nonsense-nurtured, he argued himself handling him house-way hardly holds him on his toes here, he’s already slipping sharply, strict Sirs should seek a severer system somewhat-similar to the harder-hitting hell-hound-hot harsh-handling at home.
Apart from the rare occasions a full-furnace-fiery-frockless-flailing fits if he wouldn’t have been flogged all week, frankly a fluke near fantasy, ‘fixed firmer’ for him as it will already apply after either school week or weekend without whooping (when without well-wielded-implement disregarded; still a rare exeception), Teodor agrees he needs as wakeup-call daily routine reminder readily-reddening the rotten rascal’s rebel-rear, so Taavi is set a morning wake-up chore, starting starkers hand-washing before shower session starts, waking each Sir and worshipfully working-up masterly morning wood (not counting his own) hand-spanked over his knee, whereafter the duty Sir picks an implement for a proper flogging in the wet bare after squirts’ shower, securing scarlet stripes to strike some sensititive ’sense’ into his seat of learning to start study or service suitably-sore-stern.
It helps him hugely, feeling less far from home and remembering the regularatory results of the rural really-rigid-rascal-rearing-regime. He’s hardly less naughty now, but(t) more mindful and a persistent pain in the purple-pounded posterior plus pleasant petty-Priapism keeps him properly awake, at least till his first flogging in class or on domestic duty instead of wasting time dozing off again daily.