Danny Goes OTK

BBFC: Danny Goes OTK

Its all down to the lads obsession with a phone that leads to Danny getting a spanking OTK this time. Phones seem to be the cause of many spankings these days, is that a good thing or a bad thing?


Danny is just sitting there in a world of his own when he is caught and finds himself OTK in no time at all. He always tries to look innocent and dejected but its no good, he is guilty as found.



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His jeans fit well and its a good warm up to a good set on the underwear. When he drops those he is hanging his head low and trying to look like its not his fault. A great bare ass spanking as a finale for this very lazy lad














One Response to Danny Goes OTK

  1. HAHA! A ‘correction’ in more than one sense of the word! For young Danny at any rate!

    I love seeing all of Tony’s spankable young monkeys getting a good smacked bottom, but there is just something about Danny – I ADORE seeing him getting a spanking! With that youthful face and teenage physique he looks so boyish – and that slightly truculent cast to his face makes him look so naughty! Oh, for such a houseboy!

    I watched the video before I saw the stills on Jock Spank, and I was looking at Danny sitting on the bed, thinking ‘I wonder exactly how he’s going to be punished’, really hoping that Tony was going to lay him over his knee! When it was obvious he was, I just thought “OH, YES!” It’s the posture Danny looks best in for discipline and is still for me the optimum position for smacking! It says to the lad “You are still a boy and you are still young enough to get your bottom smacked!” Danny shows a wonderfully teenage mixture of reluctance and resignation when he has to bend over Tony’s knee that made me think “WHOA, my lad! You really do deserve this!”

    Danny is at his spankable best in close-fitting faded black jeans, which tighten so provocatively over his exquisitely small and cheeky bum! I’m not usually critical but these do much more for him than the rather looser-fitting trousers that he wore when he got smacked in the last video. And as the ping-pong bat starts to come down good and hard across his pert buttocks, I find myself looking towards the next and my absolute favourite stage of any spanking, thinking “Now, what colour underpants is he wearing?” I feared white after last time, but no, I was not to be disappointed – as he took his trousers down and revealed a pair of black boxer-briefs, one of my favourite spankingwear colours and a good length for punishment! Great to see him wearing coloured underpants again and a tighter pair, too, than last time, bum-hugging and nice and short!

    I’ve mentioned it before but Danny has certainly come on in terms of his ability to take a spanking with the stoical silence that we’re used to from the other boys in Tony’s delectable little ‘family’. I remember how he used to whimper at each smack the first couple of times we saw him get spanked. In this clip, he takes over a thousand spanks from Tony without a murmur, but what is fascinating to watch is his face – you can’t half tell he’s feeling it and not just the pain in his backside, but what he feels about the situation he’s got himself into! This becomes more accentuated as Tony starts to lay the bat across the young rascal’s bare bottom! Ah well – if a boy isn’t looking uncomfortable and shamefaced during a spanking, then the punishment isn’t doing its job properly and we might as well concede a few points to the no-smacking brigade (as IF!!!).

    Thanks to Ward and all at Jock Spank for the correction – I’m sure BBFC fans will agree it was worth waiting for! A HIGHLY recommended clip, Internet Spankers!

    Vital statistics:
    348 smacks over jeans!
    361 smacks over underpants!
    335 smacks on the bare bottom!
    TOTAL: 1,044 smacks!!!