13 Guys get Quirted

13 Guys Get Quirted at the Magic Spanking Factory: What?, I hear you ask, is a “quirt”? Well, according to Wikipedia a quirt is a rather inefficient form of horse whip but a rather more effective instrument of punishment when it comes to human beings. In this instance 13 young, male human beings.
This is how the inimitable Just Magic describes this movie:
In this almost one hour long clip you get to see 13 gorgeous guys sweet bottoms being cruelly quirted. The stripes my antique quirt produces are amazing, you can actually watch the stripes appearing 

The thirteen guys who suffer so bravely for our enjoyment are Wee German, Rocky, Figaro, Squaddie, Bruce, The Menace, Fuzzy, Bonsai, Dave, Sputnik, Nightingale, Snowhite and GI-Joe! 

And when I say suffer I really mean it. The reactions of these guys to the stinging quirt on their naked buttocks are absolutely priceless. Never have i heard such quacking, screaming and begging for mercy with any other instrument. This is very much worth seeing.


4 Responses to 13 Guys get Quirted

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    simplemente precioso
    adoro la forma en que estos muchachos han sido azotados, sobre todo cuando la reaccion no es el frotar sino rascar..
    un beso

    ust beautiful
    I love the way these guys have been hit, especially when the reaction is not rubbing but scratch ..
    a kiss


  2. Avatar Nathan Roper
    Nathan Roper says:

    I’d love to see you use the quirt on young Jonathon’s naughty bare bottom :}}

  3. Unfortunately Squaddie broke my quirt beyond repair.
    I would love to have been able to use it on Jonathon.

  4. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Excellent having seen that want to be quirted myself. Shame its broke beyond repair.