Warehouse spanking

Apologies for posting these images on Monday and forgetting to say where they came from. They are from the 1982 William Higgins movie “The Best little Warehouse in LA” (That’s warehouse, not Whorehouse). The movie is still widely available, however, please note that The Best Little Warehouse in LA is NOT a spanking movie, the spanking scene is very brief, and may have been cut from some versions of the movie.

However, it shows that Higgins interest in spanking was alive and well almost 30 years ago.

6 Responses to Warehouse spanking

  1. From what movie are the images ?
    You can order somewhere or see ?

  2. They are from “The Best Little Warehouse in LA” by William Higgins, made in 1982. There are lots of links on Google and I am sure it is still available.

    (Hat Tip: Frank M_MSpanking)

  3. NOTE: The Best little Whorehouse in LA” is not a spanking movie, it has a brief spanking scene before the sex gets going

  4. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Awesome! When the guy over the knee getting the spanking has a hardon, it is so hot!

  5. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    a curiosity. The clothes they wear in the photos are different from the ones the wear in the video….

  6. Just to correct Bruce’s message, the movie is “The best little Warehouse in LA” (not whorehouse)