Vintage Wrestling and Spanking Clips by Bob Mizer

Robert Henry (Bob) Mizer March 1922 – May 1992
Bob Mizer was a gay filmmaker who began working in the underground film industry in America during the 1940’s and 1950’s, where he was predictably convicted  of distributing obscene (i.e. gay) material. However, despite the morals of the time, and pressure from Law enforcement Mizer went on to establish AMG (the Athletic Model Guild) and created some of the most iconic homoerotic images from the period.

The video below features some early wrestling and spanking footage by Bob Mizer, it was recently posted to YouTube, but, believe it or not, was removed because of its content (seems not much has changed in the last 70 years after of – or if it has, it seems to be heading into reverse).

 Thanks to Scott Norway for drawing this to my attention before it vanished      

(Mizer’s work pre-dates Title 2257 legislation)



 Dose anyone have any information as to what has happened to the AMG website?  It appears to have been taken down 

3 Responses to Vintage Wrestling and Spanking Clips by Bob Mizer

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Those posing pouches must have been damned uncomfortable. The jockstraps we had to wear in school in the 50s/60s were bad enough.

  2. Mizer’ work seem so incredibly innocent now. It is hard to believe that boy’s horsing around was once considered shocking or censorable. Compared to what went on in the boy’s locker room when I was in high school, this is Walt Disney.

  3. A wikipedia link labeled AMG Website takes you here: I used to frequent the old Campfire Video discussion board, run by Marvin Jones, who was custodian of AMG founder Bob Mizer’s videotapes of the AMG movies. I was never exactly sure what the relationship between Marvin and the AMG studio was (Marvin featured several AMG compilation videos in the sites archives). Shortly before his death, Marvin sold the Campfire Video website to Ariztical Entertainment (makers of the Eating Out series). Marvin opened a new site called Hunk Video and made it a pay site; he died shortly thereafter, leaving control of the site to the very unpleasant head moderator, who rapidly drove it right into the ground. Man, do I miss that old board.