Tea Leaves (Scene 4) – Bringing up Barry

Bringing Up Barry: First Barry gets an OTK spanking from his Foster Dad. Then later when the young rascal is brought to the door by the Police, his Foster Dad delivers on his threat to give the naughty lad a well-deserved caning  


15 Responses to Tea Leaves (Scene 4) – Bringing up Barry

  1. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    As someone who brought this clips I wasn’t happy the OTK was far too short it’s just abit silly to start a spanking and not lay it on the lad. Maybe more OTK next time

    • Avatar Anonymous
      Anonymous says:

      Forget the OTK stuff put him aceoss the spanking bench better yet let him lay it out on bed with pillows used to heiight his hide .This gives one direct acesss to the Hide which result in nicely tanned and roasted Hiney Certainly a sight for sore eyes

    • Avatar Anonymous
      Anonymous says:

      In regard to OTK forget it Use the Strap or paddle and give it him until is hide is completely Red with welts .There no point in starting something and not finishing it

    • Avatar Anonymous
      Anonymous says:

      I agree with anonymous Lers get on with the action .He needs his hide tanned @toasted AsP

    • Avatar Anonymous
      Anonymous says:

      What are we waiting for let’s get on with it .Do it now,

  2. Avatar Kwesi Akki
    Kwesi Akki says:

    Loved this clip, Barrie still has the hottest booty in MM spanking. Buy it, you won’t regret

  3. @ Anon (Luke) once again I am not going to let your latest messages through.

    Please note I approved your message and Kwesi’s message at the same time, he could not have seen your message when he wrote his. It is not a reply to your message, and nobody is attacking you.

    Stop being so paranoid and start enjoying yourself.

  4. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    How am I paranoid lol I only presumed as his comment was under mine doesn’t matter anyway

  5. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I don’t gonna comment or visit this blog any more ill find an alternative way to get info. All these spanking blogs are run by drama queens! Lol Always complaint to people about something

  6. What a shame! We’ll miss you!

  7. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Fuck you! Continue to touture….. FREDDYS BACK! You dumb ass motherfuckas haha

  8. Avatar Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    in regard to Barry it appears to need a good Ass whipping He gets a pass the first time around the second time he gets what he should gotten the first time I loved the clips especially the one s where he assumes the position There is little question that Barry has a nice Hot Hiney which deserves to be spanked and good

    • Avatar Anonymous
      Anonymous says:

      Yes Barry is over due for a good Asswhipping No passes this time around he Barry needs to get the real thing.That’s well tanned and roasted Hide .He may have a hot Hiney but it figures to get a lot hotter

    • Avatar Anonymous
      Anonymous says:

      Barry Asswhipping promises to be a classic one .His Hot Hiney figures to get a lot hottervbut that all with it .Let’s get this done the time for talking is over We need to remember He who hestiatesis often is lost